R. Favara

Large-scale structural pattern as the result of the interplay between compression and extension during chain building: the case of the Sicily belt (central Mediterranean)

research product

Molecular and isotopic composition of free hydrocarbon gases from Sicily, Italy

Chemical and isotopic data have been used as geochemical tracers for a genetic characterization of hydrocarbon gases from a total of eleven manifestations located in Eastern and Central-Southern Sicily (Italy). The molecular analysis shows that almost all the samples are enriched in methane (up to 93.2% Vol.), with the exception of four gas samples collected around Mt. Etna showing high mantle-derived CO2 content. Methane isotope signatures suggest that these are thermogenic gases or a mixture between thermogenic gases and microbial gases. Although samples from some mud volcanoes in Southern Sicily (Macalube di Aragona) show isotope signatures consistent with a mixing model between thermoge…

research product

Landforms evolution in collisional-dominated settings: the case of northern Sicily (Central Mediterranean

research product

Faults role in geological processes. Repeated changing of activity mode and magnitude fron basin formation to mountain belt staking: the case of the Sicilian Chain (central Mediterranean)

research product

Deducing large scale listric normal fault geometries from analysis of minor structures

research product

some morphological effects related to a non-uniform uplifting of crustal bloks in Northern Sicily (Central Mediterranean

research product


L’Osservatorio delle acque del Dipartimento dell’Acqua e dei Rifiuti (DAR) della Regione Siciliana e l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Palermo hanno attivato un accordo di collaborazione che prevede l’effettuazione di attività finalizzate alla redazione del “Piano di gestione delle Acque” della Regione Siciliana per numerosi bacini idrogeologici del territorio siciliano attraverso la definizione di modelli concettuali da sviluppare, previo approfondimento del quadro conoscitivo esistente, con l’effettuazione di indagini geologiche, idrogeologiche, geofisiche, idrogeochimiche ed isotopiche. In questo contesto, è stato analizzato il corpo idrico sotterraneo della f…

research product

A regional-scale discontinuity in western Sicily revealed by a multidisciplinary approach: A new piece for understanding the geodynamic puzzle of the southern Mediterranean

The results of an integrated stratigraphic, structural, geophysical, and geochemical study reveal the presence of a crustal discontinuity in western Sicily that, at present, runs roughly N-S along a band from San Vito Lo Capo to Sciacca. The boundary between the two zones of this discontinuity is nearly orthogonal to the main thrust propagation of the Sicilian thrust-and-fold belt. The different Permian to Tertiary sedimentary evolution recorded by the two zones appears related to this discontinuity, with thick carbonate platforms in the western sector facing deepwater successions in the eastern one. The presence of Upper Triassic reefs, huge megabreccia bodies, and widespread submarine vol…

research product

Fault role in geological processes. Repeated changing of activity mode and magnitude from basin formation to mountain belt staking: the case of the Sicilian chain (central Mediterranean)

research product

GIS based landslide hazard assessment at regional scale in Sicily (central mediterranean)

research product

Some morfologiacal effects related to a non uniform uplifting of crustal blocks in Northern Sicily (central Mediterranean)

research product

Ecological geological maps: GIS-based evaluation of the Geo-Ecological Quality Index (GEQUI) in Sicily (Central Mediterranean)

research product

Deducing large scale-listric normel faults geometries from analysis of minor structures

research product

GIS-based seismic shaking slope vulnerability map of Sicily (Central Mediterranean

research product

Deducing the sequence of deformations during chain building from the analysis of minor structures: the case of the sicily belt (central Mediterranean).

research product

Deducing the sequence of deformations during chain building from the analisys of minor structures: the case of the Sicily belt (Central Mediterranean)

research product

GIS-based seismic shaking slope vulnerability map of Sicily (central Mediterranen)

research product

Studio geochimico e geofisico del settore nord-occidentale delle Madonie

research product