Anita Burgun
Evaluation of Internet Social Networks using Net scoring Tool: A Case Study in Adverse Drug Reaction Mining
Suspected adverse drug reactions (ADR) reported by patients through social media can be a complementary tool to already existing ADRs signal detection processes. However, several studies have shown that the quality of medical information published online varies drastically whatever the health topic addressed. The aim of this study is to use an existing rating tool on a set of social network web sites in order to assess the capabilities of these tools to guide experts for selecting the most adapted social network web site to mine ADRs.First, we reviewed and rated 132 Internet forums and social networks according to three major criteria: the number of visits, the notoriety of the forum and th…
L’annuaire des centres de ressources biologiques français
Cette norme sera etendue aux CRB gerant des collections d’echantillons biologiques d’origines animale et vegetale en 2011. Cette evolution a ete rendue necessaire, tout en etant facilitee, par la mise en place de reseaux d’excellence de CRB/biobanques aux niveaux national (reseau des biobanques [6]), europeen (BBMRI [7], EMbaRC [8], EMBRC [9])1 et international (P3G [10]). C’est dans ce contexte que le projet « Infrastructure informatique interoperable pour les CRB » (I3-CRB [11]) a ete finance lors de l’appel a projet 2008 du Groupement d’interet scientifique « infrastructures en biologie sante et agronomie » (GIS IBiSA) et du CCRB. La communaute nationale des CRB a emis le souhait de disp…