Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutaredoxin 5-deficient cells subjected to constitutive oxidizing conditions are affected in the expression of specific sets of genes
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae GRX5 gene codes for a mitochondrial glutaredoxin involved in the synthesis ofiron/sulfur clusters. Its absence prevents respiratory growth and causes the accumulation of iron inside cellsand constitutive oxidation of proteins. Null Δgrx5 mutants were used as an example of continuously oxidizedcells, as opposed to situations in which oxidative stress is instantaneously caused by addition of external oxidants.Whole transcriptome analysis was carried out in the mutant cells. The set of genes whose expression wasaffected by the absence of Grx5 does not significantly overlap with the set of genes affected in respiratorypetite mutants. Many Aft1-dependent genes involv…