Hoai Nam Truong Cellier
Interaction between Medicago truncatula and the pathogenic oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches: effects of nitrogen nutrition and plant genotype
Plants are under the constant threat of microbial pathogens. To defend themselves, plants have developed immune responses (including for example synthesis of antimicrobial secondary metabolites, production of PR proteins or reinforcement of cell wall) that can lead to resistance. However, these plant defense responses are costly and lead plants to continuously face a dilemma regarding the partitioning of their available resources. In order to better understand relationships between plant nutrition and defense, we analyzed the impact of nitrogen (N) nutrition on the capacity of different M. truncatula genotypes to resist against A. euteiches, the causal agent of legume root rot disease. N st…
Effects of plant nutrition and genotype on Medicago truncatula defense responses against Aphanomyces euteiches
SPEIPM; International audience
The Medicago truncatula hypermycorrhizal B9 mutant displays an altered response to phosphate and is more susceptible to Aphanomyces euteiches.
SPE IPM; National audience; Inorganic phosphate (Pi) plays a key role in the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis, which is favoured when Pi is limiting in the environment. We have characterized the Medicago truncatula hypermycorrhizal B9 mutant for its response to limiting (P/10) and replete (P2) Pi. On P2, mycorrhization was significantly higher in B9 plants than in wild-type (WT). The B9 mutant displayed hallmarks of Pi-limited plants, including higher levels of anthocyanins and lower concentrations of Pi in shoots than WT plants. Transcriptome analyses of roots of WT and B9 plants cultivated on P2 or on P/10 confirmed the Pi-limited profile of the mutant on P2 and highli…
Effets de la nutrition et du génotype de la plante sur la résistance de Medicago truncatula à Aphanomyces euteiches
SPEIPMUBAGROSUPINRA; Dans la nature, les plantes ont la capacité de mettre en oeuvre des réponses immunitaires pour faire face aux microorganismes pathogènes. Cependant, ces réponses de défense sont coûteuses en énergie et conduisent la plante à détourner une partie de ces ressources destinées à d’autres traits de vie comme la croissance. Ce compromis défense/croissance est largement conditionné par la disponibilité extérieure en nutriments. Afin de mieux décrire et comprendre les liens entre la nutrition et la défense, nous avons analysé l’impact de la nutrition azotée et l’effet de la variabilité génétique végétale sur la capacité de la légumineuse Medicago truncatula à résister à un agen…