C. Valore

Indagini per l'identificazione e la valutazione dell'efficienza delle fondazioni delle costruzioni esistenti

Si espongono alcune considerazioni sulla scelta e la programmazione delle indagini per l'identificazione e la valutazione delle fondazioni delle costruzioni esistenti. Si sottolinea che le indagini debbono necessariamente riguardare anche i terreni di fondazione, in modo da poter costruire un modello del sistema terreno-fondazioni. Si indicano quindi alcuni dei quesiti da porsi preliminarmente per poter finalizzare il programma delle indagini. Si forniscono brevi cenni su vantaggi e svantaggi delle indagini dirette e indirette. Si illustrano, infine, cinque casi concreti per evidenziare la successione più appropriata dei vari accertamenti, la scelta dei mezzi di indagine e gli insegnamenti …

research product

The stabilization of a slope-viaduct system without closing traffic

ABSTRACT A case history concerned with the stabilisation of a slope-viaduct system is reported. The two-carriageway viaduct was built 39 years ago on a rather gentle slope that did not show any sign of instability. In 2010 a landslide took place and damaged the viaduct. As the relocation of the motorway was deemed unpracticable, the alternative solution of stabilising the slope and repairing the viaduct was chosen. The owner asked to design remedial measures that did not require the closure of the viaduct. This was possible since the movements of the slided mass were slow and regular. The slope-viaduct system was stabilised by improving, firstly, the bearing conditions of the decks, then st…

research product

Safety appraisal and rehabilitation of a quay wall

The case-history of a quay wall which went on the verge of collapse and was subsequently stabilised is reported in the paper. The main instability cause was the deepening of sea floor in front of the wall. Stabilising measures were selected taking into account the extreme sensitivity of the structure even to modest mechanical actions such those induced by construction equipment. They were implemented in successive stages specifically designed for avoiding critical stability situations. Frequent displacement measurements during work execution showed temporary marked increases of the rate of displacement. The stabilisation works were successfully completed and the quay was brought back into o…

research product