Rita Birziņa
Dabaszinātņu mācību metodika
Grāmata paredzēta studentiem, topošajiem skolotājiem. Piedāvātais materiāls potenciāli būs noderīgs ikvienā metodikas kursā pamatizglītības skolotāju programmās, lai mērķtiecīgi organizētu skolēnu radošuma un līdz ar to caurviju prasmju – jaunrades un uzņēmējspējas, kritiskās domāšanas un problēmu risināšanas, kā arī pašvadītas mācīšanās – attīstību dažādās izglītības jomās.
Impacts of Educational Technologies on Learning Engagement – A Case of Latvian and Thai's Learners
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have changed the traditional approach to the teaching process in higher education, so it is important to observe how learning takes place in that technology-rich environment. Cognitive, social, and emotional engagement as part of the MOOCs learning context is a basic principle that prescribes the relationships and interactions between the teacher, student, and learning setting. Each of these components has multiple features and is related to the complex nature of learning and teaching. The qualitative exploratory research design as a case study was conducted with educators and students from two countries – Latvia and Thailand. They were involved in learni…
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