One-loop effective action for a generic 2d dilaton gravity theory
We study the one-loop effective action for a generic two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory conformally coupled to $N$ matter fields. We obtain an explicit expression for the effective action in the weak-coupling limit under a suitable restriction of the dilaton potential asymptotics. Our result applies to the CGHS model as well as to the spherically symmetric general relativity. The effective action is obtained by using the background-field method, and we take into account the loop contributions from all the fields in the classical action and from the ghosts. In the large-$N$ limit, and after an appropriate field redefinition, the one-loop correction takes the form of the Polyakov-Liouvill…
One-Loop Effective Action for Spherical Scalar Field Collapse
We calculate the complete one-loop effective action for a spherical scalar field collapse in the large radius approximation. This action gives the complete trace anomaly, which beside the matter loop contributions, receives a contribution from the graviton loops. Our result opens a possibility for a systematic study of the back-reaction effects for a real black hole.