The Phenomenon of a High Triglyceride Response to an Oral Lipid Load in Healthy Subjects and Its Link to the Metabolic Syndrome
Excessive postprandial triglyceride (TG) responses despite normal fasting TG levels have been described in single cases within small groups of healthy subjects and in patients with obesity or precocious atherosclerosis, known to be associated with high insulin fasting levels. To clarify this association, fasting and postprandial TG and insulin levels were studied in 113 healthy young (25.7 +/- 2.6 years), normal weight (body mass index 20.8 +/- 2.3 kg/m2) male subjects who were selected from among 117 subjects on the basis of TG fasting levels200 mg/dl. After a 12-hour fast a standardized liquid lipid load was administered containing 58 g mainly saturated fat and 1,017 kcal energy. Both fas…