E. Schindler
The diagnostic value of CT for radiotherapy of cerebral tumors
The paper deals with CT followup studies on 73 patients with cerebral tumors who received radiotherapy. The value of CT for the indication of radiotherapy, for followup therapy and for the demonstration of therapeutic success are discussed. Since the cerebral tumors become visualized by means of CT in their entire extent and can be differentiated from perifocal edema, the question arises whether radiotherapy should consist of higher doses in the future. It is also suggested that the "clinical malignancy" may be used to compare the behavior of cerebral tumors when there is no exact histological classification. The possible histopathological effects of radiotherapy (edema, necrosis) and their…
Giant aneurysm of the vertebral artery causing compression of the lower medulla oblongata
Es wird ein Fall geschildert, bei welchem durch ein Riesenaneurysma am Abgang der Arteria cerebellaris posterior inferior von der linken A. vertebralis zu einer Kompression der Oblongata mit rasch progredienter Tetraparese gefuhrt hatte. An der analogen Stelle an der rechten Vertebralis wurde ein zweites kleineres Aneurysma gefunden.