Micol Rossini
Remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Review of methods and applications
Interest in remote sensing (RS) of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (F) by terrestrial vegetation is motivated by the link of F to photosynthetic efficiency which could be exploited for large scale monitoring of plant status and functioning. Today, passive RS of F is feasible with different prototypes and commercial ground-based, airborne, and even spaceborne instruments under certain conditions. This interest is generating an increasing number of research projects linking F and RS, such as the development of new F remote retrieval techniques, the understanding of the link between the F signal and vegetation physiology and the feasibility of a satellite mission specifically designed f…
Hybrid retrieval of crop traits from multi-temporal PRISMA hyperspectral imagery
The recently launched and upcoming hyperspectral satellite missions, featuring contiguous visible-to-shortwave infrared spectral information, are opening unprecedented opportunities for the retrieval of a broad set of vegetation traits with enhanced accuracy through novel retrieval schemes. In this framework, we exploited hyperspectral data cubes collected by the new-generation PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) satellite of the Italian Space Agency to develop and test a hybrid retrieval workflow for crop trait mapping. Crop traits were mapped over an agricultural area in north-east Italy (Jolanda di Savoia, FE) using PRISMA images collected during the 2020 and 202…
Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review
Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence III: benchmarking retrieval methods and sensor characteristics for proximal sensing
[EN] The interest of the scientific community on the remote observation of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has increased in the recent years. In this context, hyperspectral ground measurements play a crucial role in the calibration and validation of future satellite missions. For this reason, the European cooperation in science and technology (COST) Action ES1309 OPTIMISE has compiled three papers on instrument characterization, measurement setups and protocols, and retrieval methods (current paper). This study is divided in two sections; first, we evaluated the uncertainties in SIF retrieval methods (e.g., Fraunhofer line depth (FLD) approaches and spectral fitting method (SFM))…
Linking photosynthesis and sun-induced fluorescence at sub-daily to seasonal scales
Abstract Due to its close link to the photosynthetic process, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (F) opens new possibilities to study dynamics of photosynthetic light reactions and to quantify CO2 assimilation rates. Although recent studies show that F is linearly related to gross primary production (GPP) on coarse spatial and temporal scales, it is argued that this relationship may be mainly driven by seasonal changes in absorbed photochemical active radiation (APAR) and less by the plant light use efficiency (LUE). In this work a high-resolution spectrometer was used to continuously measure red and far-red fluorescence and different reflectance indices within a sugar beet field during t…
Exploring the spatial relationship between airborne-derived red and far-red sun-induced fluorescence and process-based GPP estimates in a forest ecosystem
International audience; Terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) plays an essential role in the global carbon cycle, but the quantification of the spatial and temporal variations in photosynthesis is still largely uncertain. Our work aimed to investigate the potential of remote sensing to provide new insights into plant photosynthesis at a fine spatial resolution. This goal was achieved by exploiting high-resolution images acquired with the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) airborne demonstrator HyPlant. The sensor was flown over a mixed forest, and the images collected were elaborated to obtain two independent indicators of plant photosynthesis. First, maps of sun-induced chlorophyll fluore…
Red and far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a measure of plant photosynthesis
Remote estimation of Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emitted by terrestrial vegetation can provide an unparalleled opportunity to track spatiotemporal variations of photosynthetic efficiency. Here we provide the first direct experimental evidence that the two peaks of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum can be accurately mapped from high-resolution radiance spectra and that the signal is linked to variations in actual photosynthetic efficiency. Red and far red fluorescence measured using a novel airborne imaging spectrometer over a grass carpet treated with an herbicide known to inhibit photosynthesis was significantly higher than the corresponding signal from an equivalent untreated…
Novel leaf-level measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence for photosynthetic efficiency
Solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) from vegetation can now be obtained from satellites as well as ground-based field studies, at select wavelengths associated with atmospheric features. At the leaf level, full spectrum (650–800 nm) chlorophyll emissions (ChlF) can be measured using specialized instrumentation to support interpretation of these SIF observations. We found that ChlF spectra differ for leaf bottoms versus upper leaf surfaces, potentially affecting within-canopy radiative scattering. Our ChlF measurements for leaves of eight tree species (n≥125) obtained during fall 2013 senescence at the Duke Forest in North Carolina, USA and the 2014 growing season (n=72) at the USDA…
Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review
Remote detection and monitoring of the vegetation responses to stress became relevant for sustainable agriculture. Ongoing developments in optical remote sensing technologies have provided tools to increase our understanding of stress-related physiological processes. Therefore, this study aimed to provide an overview of the main spectral technologies and retrieval approaches for detecting crop stress in agriculture. Firstly, we present integrated views on: i) biotic and abiotic stress factors, the phases of stress, and respective plant responses, and ii) the affected traits, appropriate spectral domains and corresponding methods for measuring traits remotely. Secondly, representative result…
Remote sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at different scales
In this contribution we present activities and selected results obtained in recent studies and campaigns conducted in the context of the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission. FLEX is a candidate mission for the ESA 8th Earth Explorer and large efforts are currently dedicated to the development of an implementation scheme for an accurate mapping of fluorescence from the selected spaceborne sensor and mission configuration. Field and airborne data collected in different experimental campaigns, together with simulated data, have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of fluorescence retrievals and the potential of exploiting high spatial resolution fluorescence maps for a better understandin…
The 2013 FLEX—US Airborne Campaign at the Parker Tract Loblolly Pine Plantation in North Carolina, USA
The first European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA collaboration in an airborne campaign to support ESA’s FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission was conducted in North Carolina, USA during September–October 2013 (FLEX-US 2013) at the Parker Tract Loblolly Pine (LP) Plantation (Plymouth, NC, USA). This campaign combined two unique airborne instrument packages to obtain simultaneous observations of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF), LiDAR-based canopy structural information, visible through shortwave infrared (VSWIR) reflectance spectra, and surface temperature, to advance vegetation studies of carbon cycle dynamics and ecosystem health. We obtained statistically significant results for fluorescence…
Sun-induced fluorescence - a new probe of photosynthesis: First maps from the imaging spectrometer HyPlant.
Variations in photosynthesis still cause substantial uncertainties in predicting photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates and monitoring plant stress. Changes in actual photosynthesis that are not related to greenness of vegetation are difficult to measure by reflectance based optical remote sensing techniques. Several activities are underway to evaluate the sun-induced fluorescence signal on the ground and on a coarse spatial scale using space-borne imaging spectrometers. Intermediate-scale observations using airborne-based imaging spectroscopy, which are critical to bridge the existing gap between small-scale field studies and global observations, are still insufficient. Here we present the first …
Mapping snow density through thermal inertia observations
Snow, as a fundamental reservoir of freshwater, is a crucial natural resource. Specifically, knowledge of snow density spatial and temporal variability could improve modelling of snow water equivalent, which is relevant for managing freshwater resources in context of ongoing climate change. The possibility of estimating snow density from remote sensing has great potential, considering the availability of satellite data and their ability to generate efficient monitoring systems from space. In this study, we present an innovative method that combines meteorological parameters, satellite data and field snow measurements to estimate thermal inertia of snow and snow density at a catchment scale.…