Tomasz Mach

Comparative Study of PM10 Concentrations and Their Elemental Composition Using Two Different Techniques during Winter–Spring Field Observation in Polish Village

The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations and elemental composition of PM10 in the village of Kotórz Mały (Poland), to analyse their seasonal variability, to determine the sources of pollutant emissions and to compare the consistency of the results obtained using different methods. Sampling and weather condition measurements were carried out in the winter (January–February) and spring (April) of 2019. Two combinations of different techniques were used to examine PM10 concentrations and their chemical composition: gravimetric method + atomic absorption spectrometry (GM+AAS) and continuous particle monitor + energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (CPM+EDXRF).…

research product

Air Pollution Research Based on Spider Web and Parallel Continuous Particulate Monitoring—A Comparison Study Coupled with Identification of Sources

Air pollution is monitored mainly in urban or industrial areas, even if it is known that in rural ones, low emission can significantly worsen air quality. Hence, cheap and easily accessible methods of monitoring are needed. Recently, spider webs biomonitoring is getting popular, however, there is no information about its comparison with active methods. In this study, PTEs accumulated on spider webs were compared with results from continuous particulate monitor (CPM). Generally, higher potentially toxic elements concentrations were noted in spider web, with exception in the case of Zn. Zn may be present rather in smaller fractions, hence it needs more time for accumulation on spider web whil…

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