Sofia Kauko-valli
Sosiaalinen yrittäjyys : näkökulmia ja tuloksia
The Promise of Pop-Up Entrepreneurship Towards Temporality And Ambidexterity On Entrepreneuring
Subjective well-being as an individually constructed phenomenon
Kokeiluista liiketoimintaa : yrittäjämäisiä kokeiluja ja katsauksia maaseudun elinkeinorakenteen ja työllistävyyden parantamiseen
Imbalance of Power: Social Service Entrepreneurss Experiences of Entrepreneur-Municipality Relationship
We investigate the complex dynamics between social service entrepreneurs and social sector managers through the lens of network metaphor, utilizing our data on social service entrepreneurs’ experiences of cooperation with municipalities. We examine what kinds of dependencies exist in the entrepreneur–municipality relationships and what kind of consequences these dependencies have on social service businesses run by entrepreneurs. Basing on the social service entrepreneurs experience, our findings suggest that while the cooperation with the municipality represents a prerequisite for success, their business represent only one alternative for the renewal of social service structures from the p…