R. Lo Baido
Il metodo delle favole di Louisa Düss
Le favole, è noto, ricoprono un ruolo fondamentale nel percorso di sviluppo e maturazione psicologica del bambino. Esse riescono, come le leggende, i racconti, i sogni e i miti, con linguaggio se mplice e immediato, attraverso la metafora, a presentare in modo comprensibile e accessibile alla portata della psiche infantile, situazioni di conflitto, suggerendo soluzioni più o meno magiche. Nella loro struttura a trama leggera e aperta, sono un dispositivo che, di per sé, incrocia e condensa principalmente tre dimensioni: comunicativa, narrativa e simbolica.
Subclinical hypothyroidism resulting from autoimmune thyroiditis in female patients with endogenous depression.
Thyroid function and presence of thyroid autoantibodies were assessed in a group of 75 consecutive female patients with mood disturbances and in a group of 38 healthy women of similar age recruited as controls. Nine patients suffered from major (endogenous) depression and 66 from minor (neurotic) depression. The individual patients had normal values of circulating thyroid hormones. Nevertheless, endogenously depressed patients had total serum triiodothyronine (M±SE=1.49±0.09 nmol/l) and both total (83.9±4.3 nmol/l) and free serum thyroxine (13.9±1.1 pmol/l) lower than in the group of minor depressed and in the group of controls (p<0.01, in both comparison). The median value of serum thyrotr…
Il defense mechanisms inventory
Il Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI) (Gleser e Ihilevich, 1969; Gleser e Ihilevich, 1986) è un questionario semiproiettivo per la valutazione degli stili difensivi. Creato alla fine degli anni sessanta da Gleser e Ihilevich, si è diffuso nella pratica clinica e nella ricerca, godendo di buona considerazione nella letteratura scientifica (Davidson e McGregor, 1998). Soltanto la forma per adulti è stata validata in Italia, ma esistono sia la forma per adolescenti sia quella per anziani. La forma per adolescenti prevede una versione breve risultata piuttosto affidabile sia nella clinica sia nelal ricerca (Recklitis et al. 1995).
The quality of life in developing age children with celiac disease
The moments that follow the diagnosis of celiac disease and the early stages of the gluten-free diet are extremely difficult and complex for parents and child, because they face an important change punctuated by self-denial and deprivation. The main objective of this research is to assess the impact of celiac disease on quality of life in subjects in developmental age, taking into account the perceptions of parents about the child's illness, with the aim to highlight the effect of disease on the child and the entire family.The study included both parents of 45 children aged between 2 and 10 years, with established celiac disease. To evaluate the effect of celiac disease on the lifestyle of …
Panic disorder, anxiety, and cardiovascular diseases
Different data indicate that psychological and/or emotional disorders may play an important role in the natural history of heart diseases. Although the major evidence is that related to depression, epidemiological data would indicate that anxiety and panic disorders are highly represented in cardiac patient, thus influencing mortality and morbidity. The diagnosis of panic disorder in patients with chest pain is crucial to a correct therapeutic approach, as well as to reduce the risks and costs of inappropriate treatments. Anxiety and panic may accelerate different direct and indirect processes involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases: lifestyle risk factors, arterial hyperten…
A case of post-traumatic complex auditory hallucinosis treated with rTMS.
Previous studies of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia found that the hallucinations were reduced by the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Here we describe a case of traumatic brain injury associated with continuous music hallucinations. An MRI scan showed a structural lesion of the right temporal pole and a PET scan indicated a hyperactive area of the posterior right temporal lobe. We hypothesized that rTMS applied to the right temporal area would reduce this activity and the corresponding hallucinations. The patient's music hallucinations were significantly reduced by rTMS treatment. A PET scan following treatment also indicated that rTMS treatment reduced bra…
Valutare in psicologia clinica delle disabilità
Da un orientamento psicoanalitico, l’operare clinico consiste nel ricercare il senso del sintomo, riconnettendo legami perduti all’interno della vita del soggetto, allargando lo spazio di pensiero, per incrementare la padronanza della vita psichica e il piacere relativo al funzionamento della mente. Si tratta di reimmettere il sintomo – di per sé fisso, denso, immutabile, ignorante nel continuum vitale della persona, pensandolo come una forma di comunicazione con potenzialità trasformative, una sorta di falla temporale che consente al passato, presente e futuro di prendere contatto tra di loro in entrambe le direzioni.