Lorenzo Marchese
Tragico e tragedia in "una questione privata"
The article focuses on the theoretical concepts of ‘Tragic’ and ‘Tragedy’, here applied to the novel Una questione privata by Beppe Fenoglio (originally published in 1963). The first part mostly regards the similarities between Una questione privata and dramatic structures (both theatrical and cinematographic) that Fenoglio could have read at that time. A short comparison with ancient Greek tragedy, in particular with Sophocles’ piece Oedipus, closes the first part. In the second one, the Author conducts a thematic analysis on textual premonitions of Milton’s tragic fate in Una questione privata.
Compimento e deriva. Una definizione del rapporto fra short story e biografia nella narrativa contemporanea
L'articolo propone una nuova interpretazione del rapporto fra brevità testuale e aspetto teleologico delle biografie, compiendo un percorso storico-letterario dalle "Vite parallele" di Plutarco fino alle reinterpretazioni novecentesche del genere biografico. The article proposes a new interpretation of the relationship between textual brevity and the teleological aspect of biographies, following a historical-literary path from Plutarch's "Parallel Lives" to the twentieth-century reinterpretations of the biographical genre.
Le sfide degli adattamenti
This introduction discusses the critical pathways to new theories of adaptation and transcodification
On the Relationship Between Contemporary Novel-Essay and Science-Fiction
The article inquires upon a possible connection (both formal and thematical) between the literary genre of science-fiction and the form of the novel-essay. Both of them trace their roots back to the late 19th century culture and share a philosophical ambition to interpret the world through narrative philosophy, albeit in opposed ways. After sketching a brief history of the two forms (also underlining their crossroads and similarities), the essay concludes with a parallel reading of two novels by David Foster Wallace and Michel Houellebecq in late 20th century. An open question upon the future paths of a "science-fictional" novel-essay is placed at the end.
La vita e le strane sorprendenti avventure di Arturo. Per un confronto con Robinson Crusoe
he life and strange surprising adventures of Arturo. Cues for a comparison with Robinson Crusoe · The article displays a comparative reading between L’isola di Arturo and Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, inspired by a statement made by Elsa Morante in a 1957 interview after the awarding of the ‘Strega’ prize. In the first place, the press coverage of the novel is studied with particular attention to confrontations with Robinson. Secondly, I aim to trace the steps of the possibility that Morante actually took into account Defoe’s novel. Afterward, a short, comparative study concerning a possible impact of Robinson on Arturo is proposed. The confrontation goes through several issues: narrative patter…
Estraneità e onniscienza. Sulla non-fiction contemporanea
L'articolo reinterpreta la categoria narratologica di onniscienza applicata al campo della non-fiction e dopo un preambolo teorico si esaminano due casi particolari della narrativa italiana contemporanea: "Città sommersa" di Marta Barone e "La natura è innocente" di Walter Siti The article reinterprets the narratological category of omniscience applied to the field of non-fiction and after a theoretical preamble we examine two particular cases of contemporary Italian fiction: "Submerged city" by Marta Barone and "Nature is innocent" by Walter Siti
Genealogia dell'autofinzione italiana
The article provides a genealogy of Italian autofiction analyzing texts by authors such as Walter Siti and Giulio Mozzi. An inquire upone the diary-like nature of autofictional narrative concludes the essay.
Primo Levi: luci e ombre
The article lists the significant occurrences of the twofold element of light and darkness in Primo Levi’s published works. After a methodological introduction, which highlights premises and purposes of this starting research, the article provides an overview following an order by literary genre: poetry, narrative, essay writing. The last chapter lists the relevant occurrences of the “gray” colour in the edited books before I Sommersi e I salvati, in order to identify a possible birthplace of the well-known notion “gray zone” and to detect Levi’s earlier use of the gray colour as an attribute of moral ambiguity.
Historiographies parallèles: qu'est-ce que la non-fiction aujourd'hui?
The article suggests a new theoretical approach to non-fiction through two examples: "La guerra in casa" by Luca Rastello and "La frontiera" by Alessandro Leogrande
Storiografie parallele. Cos'è la non-fiction?
Il libro propone una teoria della categoria di narrativa non-finzionale nota come "non-fiction". Dopo una premessa storico-teorica si esamina la non-fiction in base alle forme e ai generi adoperati in questa categoria di scrittura, dopo di che si procede a un'analisi di temi e costanti concettuali condotta attraverso una lettura per campioni di testi degli ultimi trent'anni. Una breve considerazione su potenzialità e limiti discorsivi, commerciali, comunicativi della non-fiction italiana e straniera chiude il libro.
La scelta del trauma. Eraldo Affinati negli anni '90
The article reads the short stories and novels by the Italian writer Eraldo Affinati in the 1990s, with special regard to a twofold aspect: the cultural appropriation of a post-war traumatic experience by an author born in 1956, which lead to the strive to re-invent one's own past in an eventless present. Affinati's ethical approach to fiction is deeply questioned in the last part of the essay
La voce sommersa. Sulla poesia di Primo Levi dagli esordi all'Osteria di Brema
First of all, the article proposes to divide Primo Levi’s poetic work in two main time periods: 1) from the beginnings (1945) to the publication of the first poetry book (The Bremen Beer-Hall, All’insegna del pesce d’oro, 1975); 2) from 1975 to the death of the author, occurred in 1987. This distinction mirrors the concept of a poetic itinerary which seems to be a heterogeneous studio of topics and languages originally developed, if compared with Levi’s prose. Therefore, a textual analysis of some significant poems from the first time period is proposed. An interpretation of the short unpublished correspondence between Primo Levi and his publisher Vanni Scheiwiller concerning the forthcomin…
Il romanzo come fine. Per una lettura comparata delle opere di Walter Siti e Michel Houellebecq
· The Novel as an End. A Comparative Study of the Works of Walter Siti and Michel Houellebecq · This essay questions the possibility of a comparative study of Siti and Houellebecq’s works. It identifies a point of contact in the common representation of the End as a preferred lens for the study of the individual: both authors represent contemporary society from a strong apocalyptic point of view. The relationships between the two authors are analyzed starting from the recognition of three thematic areas: the link between sex and money in the representation of desire; the disappearance of a religious horizon, followed by the most total nihilism; and a deliberately immoralist way of narrating.
"Il contagio" di Walter Siti fra teatro e cinema
L'articolo è un'analisi comparata degli adattamenti teatrale e cinematografico del romanzo "Il contagio" di Walter Siti. The article is a comparative analysis of the theatrical and cinematographic adaptations of the novel "Il contagio" by Walter Siti.
È ancora possibile il romanzo-saggio?
Questo articolo tenta di rispondere alla domanda circa la possibilità della sopravvivenza della forma letteraria del romanzo-saggio nella letteratura contemporanea. Dapprima, viene proposta una distinzione teorica fra due forme letterarie che combinano narrazione e riflessione: saggio narrativo (ricco di esempi) e romanzo-saggio (la cui persistenza è invece problematica). In secondo luogo, attraverso la lettura parallela di Estensione del dominio della lotta di Michel Houellebecq e La vita degli animali di J. M. Coetzee, vengono avanzate alcune ipotesi teoriche sulla trasformazione del romanzo-saggio e su un suo possibile declino: è invece la fantascienza, si ipotizza, a rivestire oggi il r…
Le memorie ingarbugliate. Tensioni autobiografiche nell’Uva puttanella e in Contadini del Sud di Scotellaro
L’intervento s’inserisce nel dibattito sull’autobiografismo di Scotellaro nelle sue due maggiori opere in prosa, arrivateci incomplete e non pronte per la pubblicazione:Contadini del Sud e, soprattutto, L’uva puttanella, che Scotellaro definiva in fase di preparazione un ‘‘romanzo’’. Se Contadini del Sud, nelle parti disponibili oggi, sembra anticipare alcuni esiti dell’attuale non-fiction per via dell’uso disinvolto del materiale documentario, del risalto dato alle testimonianze e alle ricognizioni sul campo, della creazione di veri e propri ‘‘personaggi’’ a tutto tondo che si esprimono direttamente sulla pagina, L’uva puttanella ha caratteristiche che ne sottolineano invece l’inattualita`…
The article is an introduction to history, theory and practice of the narrative cathegory of autofiction (autobiographical fiction, or fictional autobiography).
"Una coppia di serpenti allacciati". L'incesto nelle "Benevole" di Jonathan Littell
The article reads the novel "The Kindly Ones" (2006) by French author Jonathan Littell and focuses on the issue of incest displayed in the plot.
Tempi del racconto e racconto del tempo in Piove all’insù
Times of narration and narration of the time in Piove all’insù · The article hosts an analysis of the time categories in Luca Rastello’s novel Piove all’insù (2006). In the first section there is a survey of the verb tenses used in the narration of the past by the main character (who is also the narrator). These tenses contribute to make the two periods of time (the 1970s and the 2000s) constantly overlap each other. A second section is dedicated to the influence of the peculiar timeframes on the anti-utopian and pseudo-science-fictional gradient of the novel. A third section faces the issue of the father/son confrontation in Piove all’insù. All these elements help to define a notion of lit…
Il romanzo-saggio, 1884-1947
Il volume è la traduzione integrale dall'inglese all'italiano dello studio monografico di letterature comparate "The Novel-Essay" di Stefano Ercolino (Palgrave MacMillan 2014) The volume is the complete translation from English into Italian of the monographic study of comparative literatures "The Novel-Essay" by Stefano Ercolino (Palgrave MacMillan 2014)
Pavese indifferente? Parentele segrete fra Gli indifferenti e Il diavolo sulle colline
The article offers a comparison between Alberto Moravia and Cesare Pavese on the basis of two novels: The Time of Indifference (1929) and The Devil in the Hills (1949). After sketching the unfriendly relationship between these writers, I aim to show how close The Devil in the Hills was to Moravia’s poetics through the analysis of themes, imagery and literary ascendance. The essay ends with a close reading of Moravia’s article “Pavese decadente” (1954), generally neglected by critics: its flaws and contradictions help us to understand how close Pavese and Moravia were at a certain moment, despite their plain, mutual animosity.
Vies possibles. Autofiction et biofiction
In my intervention, I wish to offer a reflection on two contemporary literary genres in prose which concern the narration of individual life in a creative way and which are located at the crossroads between fiction and history: namely, autofiction and biofiction. My intention is to distinguish, to simplify, to avoid listing genuine autofiction and biofiction and, above all, to focus on a sample of texts that will help me present useful reflections on the theoretical categories of autofiction. and biofiction. Dans mon intervention, je souhaite proposer une réflexion à propos de deux genres littéraires contemporains en prose qui concernent la narration de la vie individuelle d’une manière cré…
L'io possibile. L'autofiction come paradosso del romanzo contemporaneo
In the book I aim to study the paradoxical narration of autofiction (in the terms of his inventor Serge Doubrovsky, fiction of strictly occurred events).
The article intends to synthetically reconstruct a line of development of the Italian narrative contemporary, from the nineties onwards, based on the concept of authenticity, vast and rich in applications in the most disparate fields (juridical, philosophical, artistic). After a brief review of four emblematic cases for the use of authenticity rhetoric (Siti, Moresco, Mozzi, non-fiction), the article offers a brief overview of the narrative of last twenty years. It therefore ends with a reflection on a possible passage from one demystification of authenticity (with autofiction) to its internal amplification contradictory (with non-fiction). Cet article se propose de retracer une histoire de…
Storiografie del presente? Per una ridiscussione della non-fiction su esempi italiani degli anni ���90 (Covacich, Petrignani, Rastello)
L���articolo discute il concetto di non-fiction da un punto di vitsa teorico e individua due modelli fondativi, per alcuni aspetti molto diversi, in Capote e Mailer. La non-fiction unisce la componente retorica e quella storica per dare vita a una forma di storiografia fondata sulle strategie retoriche della moderna letteratura d���invenzione. Entro tale quadro teorico vengono analizzate le opere di Covacich, Petrignani e Rastello. The article discusses the concept of non-fiction from a theoretical poit of view and identifies two fundamental models, in some ways very different, Capote and Mailer. The non-fiction combines the rhetoric and historical component to create a form of historiograp…