Francesco Morga

Estimation of chlorine residual in a drinking water distribution system.

research product

Zonazione dei parametri di decadimento del cloro nelle reti idriche: applicazione alla sottorete “Oreto-Stazione” di Palermo.

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Plant response to irrigation with saline water in a Sicilian vineyard: results of a three-years field investigation

This paper reports the results of a three-year field investigation carried out in a vineyard located in Sicily (Mazara del Vallo, Trapani) within the framework of the Project: Evolution of cropping systems as affected by climate change (CLIMESCO). Research investigated soil-plant response to irrigation performed with water having two different salinity levels; soil hydrological characteristics, soil salinity, crop transpiration and stomatal conductance were measured in field plots. The results proved that crop transpiration and stomatal conductance were significantly affected by soil salinity conditions (expressed as electrical conductivity of the soil saturated water extract). A significan…

research product

Calibrazione dei parametri di qualità nelle reti di approvvigionamento idrico e caratterizzazione della diversità spaziale – applicazione ad un caso di studio

research product

Application of the SWAP model to predict impact of climate change on soil water balance in a Sicilian vineyard

In Sicily, the increasing scarcity of quality water is leading to irrigation with saline water in soils having a considerable susceptibility to salinization and degradation. In this paper, water flow and solute transport in a Sicilian irrigated soil was simulated by using the SWAP model, and the simulated results compared to measured values of soil moisture and salinity. The investigation was carried out in a vineyard located in Sicily (Mazara del Vallo, Trapani Province) within the framework of the Project: Evolution of cropping systems as affected by climate change (CLIMESCO). The soil hydraulic parameters were obtained by inverse method based on multi-step outflow experiments. The result…

research product

Diversita’ spaziale del cloro residuo nelle reti di approvvigionamento idrico

La qualità dell’acqua nelle reti di distribuzione può essere sensibilmente alterata da una serie di processi che si sviluppano sia lungo il sistema di adduzione che nella stessa rete di distribuzione. La riduzione della concentrazione di cloro, utilizzato per la disinfezione delle acque, può essere considerata un indice del progressivo deterioramento delle caratteristiche igieniche dell'acqua circolante in rete. La concentrazione del cloro, libero o combinato, è infatti strettamente legata alle reazioni che si sviluppano all’interno delle condotte. In questo lavoro particolare attenzione è rivolta alla identificazione della diversità spaziale del cloro residuo in rete. L’analisi viene condo…

research product

Monitoring Soil Salinisation as a Strategy for Preventing Land Degradation: A Case Study in Sicily, Italy

Water demand is increasing worldwide. In regions affected by water scarcity such as those located in the Mediterranean basin, water supplies are already degraded, or subjected to degradation processes, which worsen the water shortage. In Sicily, the increasing scarcity of good quality water is expanding irrigation with saline-sodic waters, thus enhancing the risk of secondary salinization and sodification. Adequate management practices are urgently needed for sustainable use of saline/sodic waters. This chapter illustrates how the Geonics EM-38 probe was used for monitoring salinization in a Sicilian area where irrigation with saline water is increasingly practiced, and the risk of salinisa…

research product