A. Giannitrapani

Per una semiotica della cultura alimentare

è soltanto al termine della lettura dei saggi raccolti nel volume che ne emerge al meglio il loro effetto sistemico e che si spiega in pieno il senso del titolo del volume. Sono una serie di esercizi, ossia modi di mettere alla prova gli strumenti della semiotica in uno dei campi che più di recente ha avuto grande attenzione da parte del mondo politico, economico, mediatico, e con cui la stessa scienza della significazione si è cimentata ormai da tempo. Esercizi che dimostrano l’efficacia delle teorie che mettono alla prova e che allo stesso tempo consentono di arricchirle. Ma, nel loro complesso, i saggi raccolti si focalizzano sulle forme della cucina siciliana, ovvero dimostrano come una…

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Postfazione. Sul senso della novità nelle narrazioni seriali

Today we often hear about seriality and its great success. But in these conversations, often interested in showing their media skills, updates on the latest success story or the affirmation of a radical chic taste for lesser-known products, it is rare to hear the troubles of Orlando, the fate of the first comic heroes or the exciting love adventures in the now vintage world of photo novels. Thing of which we have spoken instead in this volume, where the very different manifestations textual investigations, the different approaches compared, the various facets highlighted by the individual essays, they integrated themselves to form an articulated totality and consistent. And in retrospect, a…

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Spazi, passioni e collettività. Vivere l’aeroporto

Di ogni viaggio si serba un ricordo, spesso mitizzato: i momenti vissuti, l’arricchimento derivante dall’incontro con l’altro, la spettacolarità di un monumento visitato, la peculiare atmosfera di un evento, la stupefacente visione di un panorama incontaminato. Eppure l’esperienza vacanziera non inizia non appena si giunge a destinazione, né tanto meno termina nel momento in cui il nostro corpo si distacca dalla meta: di essa fanno parte i preparativi, le partenze, i rientri – fasi che incorniciano la vacanza vera e propria e che ne estendono i confini. Sebbene spesso dimenticati, o quanto meno non evocati, altri spazi (non meno “simbolici” di quelli visitati a destinazione) rientrano a pie…

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Reading the city sub specie gastronomica means observing the multiple relationships that the language of food and that of space entertain each other. What is highlighted in thie volume is the social value that founds, by merging them, the links between food and cities in the different branches that the authors propose to us. We therefore speak of restaurants and markets, kitchens and dining rooms, supermarkets and taverns, street food and fast food, food and wine tourism and domestic imprisonments.

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That’s all, folks. Guerriglie e strategie di fine puntata

Se i titoli di testa delle serie tv stanno vivendo, insieme ai loro testi madre di riferimento, un’epoca d’oro, con sigle sempre più curate che ammiccano a un fan affezionato, lo stesso (forse) non può dirsi per i titoli di coda, peritesti tradizionalmente deputati a porre fine alla puntata. Punti ibridi tra l’interno e l’esterno dell’episodio, rappresentano spesso momenti ideali per alzarsi, ben poco attratti da uno schermo nero su cui si susseguono, senza soluzione di continuità, elenchi di nomi sconosciuti ai non addetti ai lavori, fornitori, sponsor, ringraziamenti, citazioni. A maggior ragione se fruiti su piattaforme non lineari, meglio scorrere le puntate in successione senza noiose …

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Cibo in città. Dalla foodification al delivery

Many historical centres of our cities have been turned into gastronomic villages en plein air. The food outlets have multiplied and the traditional restaurant has exploded, giving life to a myriad of formats. These formats are increasingly linked to the relaunch offered by Instagram pages, to the apps that manage reservations, to the reviews sites. Linking themselves to the possibilities offered by the web, restaurants have transformed their relationship with the city, the practices of food consumption and the rituals of everyday life. We propose to explore this set of processes, starting from the traditional restaurant, and then moving on to the different forms of food consumption that we …

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Dimmi che sigla guardi e ti dirò chi sei

Opening credits, sequences which accompany each episode of a television series, have radically changed over time. From being brief and marginal texts, edited with low care e watched with a low level of attention, they have become artistic and elegant sequences, often created by specialized companies to keep the viewer’s eyes glued to the screen. The opening credits still keep their original function – giving information about the programme – but nowadays they achieve their goal in various ways. The main titles refer to the content of the series using different tones, thereby setting a particular mood that prepares the viewer for the show. In this article, we will try to focus on these diffe…

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Codici trapanesi: busiate (con il pesto) e cuscus (di pesce)

Se ogni gastrosfera, come ogni semiosfera, è inserita all’interno di un gioco di scatole cinesi, tali per cui può essere considerata come parte inglobata in una gastrosfera più ampia o parte inglobante di una più ristretta, in questo contributo si propone un’incursione in una porzione della gastrosfera siciliana, andando a considerare due piatti tipici della zona del trapanese, molto diversi tra loro, ma per certi versi anche molto simili: il cuscus (la cui variante più tipica è quella con il pesce) e le busiate (un formato di pasta che trova il suo accompagnamento migliore nel pesto locale). Ripercorriamo brevemente le due ricette a partire dalle istruzioni per la preparazione fornite dai …

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Tutti insieme appassionatamente. In settimana bianca al family hotel

Family hotels are accommodation facilities designed for families with children. They present super-safe playrooms and entertainment services, swimming pools, restaurants and wellness centers. They promote themselves as idyllic places for adults and children. They promise freedom and happyness for all members of the family. We will analyse the organisation of spaces and times of this structures pointing out the strictly codified discplinary sistemt that stands behind this perfect organisation.

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The love boat. La crociera come eterotopia

On a cruise, spatial coordinates are suspended (orientation with respect to the land and to the labyrinthine plan of the ship is lost), the temporal dimension (time is marked by the palimpsest of daily activities rather than by clocks), and the actor's characteristics (with the alteration of some of the identity traits of the subjects involved). The passenger experiences on the voyage an 'other' self, one that in some ways cannot be revealed within everyday life. And the boat becomes the place in which a series of paradoxes are realised: the realm of the freedom, but also a form of holiday slavery in which everything is capillarily foreseen beforehand; a space in which apparent luxury is ma…

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Gastromania on italian tv

By turning on the TV, at any time of the day or night, one can comeacross programs in which food is the undisputed protagonist. Actually, thepresence of food on TV is not a contemporary phenomenon, but it goesback to the origins of television. Over time, the way of narrating food hasbeen transformed, as well as the role attributed to it and the values (gastronomicand social) associated to it.In this paper, after having traced a historical overview of Italian foodtelevision programming, we focus on the analysis of four recent programs.The objective is to understand how settings, rhythmic and temporal scansion,and the distribution of roles among the various actors involved configurenarratives…

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Mangiar fuori. Spazi urbani e pratiche conviviali

The article investigates the world of restaurants from a semiotic perspective, attempting to link the spatiality of restaurants to the convivial practices they propose.

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Il Grande Cretto di Gibellina

The essay aims to make explicit the methodological criteria underlying the semiotic analysis of a space, taking as an example the case of the Grande Cretto that Alberto Burri realised in Gibellina in the second half of the 1980s. An impressive Land Art work that presents at first sight a series of clear-cut oppositions, but which on closer inspection calls them into question, rather emphasising gradations and nuances. The essay considers the discourses of space and those on space, the levels of the generative path, the plastic and figurative languages, showing how the analysis is the outcome of a continuous adjustment between the researcher and the text: the former engaged in constructing a…

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Futures Past

The article explores the dimension of temporality and the changes it has undergone as a result of the pandemic outbreak.

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Soglie XXL. Sigle dei programmi televisivi sul dimagrimento

TV show opening credits can be considered as frames which delimit the borders of a filmic text. They aim at advising and attracting the audience by highlighting specific aspects of the program. In doing that, opening credits as well as other forms of intros activate specific styles of relationship between the instances of production and reception of texts. They can be considered acts of enunciation through which the enunciator establishes its own discourse and gives instructions to the enunciatee about the text. In this paper we will analyze these so called “paratexts”, in particular by focusing on the intro sequences of some weight loss TV programs from the Italian television schedule. The…

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Special Issue: Animals in Law

Living together with animals is silently but progressively coming to a new meaning. Humanity has been always defining itself in comparison with the animal world, looking for any difference useful at the purpose of recognizing a dominion over the world meant as a natural kingdom populated by animals. In the naturalist ontology (Descola), animals are considered as a mere mean, at disposal of mankind for the most various purposes: food, work (workhorses), entertainment (circuses, zoos), scientific experimentation, fashion (leathers and furs), public security (police and sniffer dogs), company (pets) and so on. In the present times, this state of things is undergoing a severe criticism. Risen a…

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Forme della serialità. Oggi e ieri

Oggi in televisione è tutta un’invasione di prodotti seriali: tv generaliste, canali tematici e piattaforme non lineari non fanno che propinarci episodi su episodi pronti a essere assaporati giorno dopo giorno o fruiti di un fiato. Seguendo una modalità di racconto che non è certo nuova: basti ricordare, tra gli antecedenti, testi folklorici, feuilleton e fotoromanzi – solo per citarne alcuni. Tutti prodotti accomunati da un comune destino: quello di comparire sul mercato come forme di cultura popolare e di serie B, per poi acquisire una loro identità e dignità – letteraria, teatrale, mediatica in generale. Indagare la serialità in senso ampio significa allora considerare la serie in quanto…

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