OR26. Investigating the impact of patient’s non-shared HLA-C Allotype expression levels in A 9/10 Single HLA-C mismatched hematopoieticstem cell transplantationsetting using two different HLA-C Expression proxy models
Aim Petersdorf et al. reported in 2014 an association between patient high expressed HLA-C (C) allotypes and inferior HSCT outcome using an imputed C-expression model (Apps et al., 2013). This study aims at: a) examining the validity of Apps et al. model in Caucasians by using the same methodology in a sample of 400 healthy German blood donors. b) specifically investigating the effect of patient’s non-shared (PNS) C expression levels on outcome by applying C expression imputed data in a 9/10 HLA C-mismatched HSCT setting. Methods Buffy coats from 400 healthy German blood donors were tested by flow cytometry as previously described (Apps et al., 2013) in order to determine C expression on ly…