M. A. Naumenko
Some Evidence of the Cluster Struture Inside of9Be
Cluster Structure of9Be from3He+9Be Reaction
The study of inelastic scattering and multi-nucleon transfer reactions was performed by bombarding a 9Be target with a 3He beam at an incident energy of 30 MeV. Angular distributions for 9Be(3He,3He)9Be, 9Be(3He,4He)8Be, 9Be(3He,7Be)5He, 9Be(3He,6Li)6Li and 9Be(3He,7Li)5Li reaction channels were measured. Cross sections for channels leading to unbound 5He g.s ., 5Li g.s . and 8Be systems were obtained from singles measurements where the relationship between the energy and the scattering angle of the observed stable ejectile is constrained by two-body kinematics. Information on the cluster structure of 9Be was obtained from the transfer channels. It was concluded that cluster transfer is an …
New Insight into the Cluster Structure of $^9$Be by Reactions with Deuteron Beam
International audience; Angular distributions of protons, deuterons, tritons, and alpha particles emitted in the reaction 2H+9Be at Elab=19.5, 25, and 35 MeV were measured to study the structure of 9Be, especially to shed light on the internal clusters and possible cluster transfer of 5He. The experiments were performed at sufficiently high energies to ensure suppression of compound nucleus contribution. Thus, the direct reaction mechanism should be mainly responsible for the measured five-nucleon transfer cross section. The analysis suggests a significant contribution of simultaneous five-nucleon transfer in the reaction channel 9Be (d,4He) 7Li.
Evidence of Cluster Structure of $^9$Be from $^3$He+$^9$Be Reaction
The study of inelastic scattering and multi-nucleon transfer reactions was performed by bombarding a $^{9}$Be target with a $^3$He beam at an incident energy of 30 MeV. Angular distributions for $^9$Be($^3$He,$^3$He)$^{9}$Be, $^9$Be($^3$He,$^4$He)$^{8}$Be, $^9$Be($^3$He,$^5$He)$^{7}$Be, $^9$Be($^3$He,$^6$Li)$^6$Li and $^9$Be($^3$He,$^5$Li)$^7$Li reaction channels were measured. Experimental angular distributions for the corresponding ground states (g.s.) were analysed within the framework of the optical model, the coupled-channel approach and the distorted-wave Born approximation. Cross sections for channels leading to unbound $^5$He$_{g.s.}$, $^5$Li$_{g.s.}$ and $^8$Be systems were obtaine…
Cluster Structure of $^9$Be by Scattering of Deuterons
International audience; Angular distributions of protons, deuterons, tritons and alpha particles emitted in the reaction 2H+9Be at Elab=19.5 MeV were measured with an aim to shed light on the internal cluster structure of 9Be and to study possible cluster transfer of 5He. The analyses suggest a significant contribution of five-nucleon transfer in the reaction channel 9Be(d,4He)7Li.
Some Evidence of the Cluster Struture Inside of 9Be
Angular distributions of protons, deuterons, tritons and alpha-particles emitted from the reactions in the 2H+9Be-system at Elab=19.5 MeV were measured with an aim to shed light on the internal cluster structure of 9Be and the study of possible cluster transfer of 5He. The analyses suggest a significant contribution of five-nucleon transfer in the reaction channel 9Be(d,4He)7Li. peerReviewed