Leonardo Scuderi
Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy
Our understanding of the richness and uniqueness of the flora growing on gypsum substrates in Italy has grown significantly since the 19th century and, even today, new plant species are still being discovered. However, the plants and plant communities, growing on gypsum substrates in Italy, are still a relatively unknown subject. The main aim of this paper was to elaborate a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora, to increase knowledge about this peculiar flora and for which conservation efforts need to be addressed. Through a structured group communication process of experts (application of the Delphi technique), a remarkable number of experienced Italian botanists have joined togethe…
La flora vascolare dell’Isola di Marettimo (Arcipelago delle Egadi, Canale di Sicilia): aggiornamento ed analisi fitogeografica. – Webbia 61 (2) 359-402.
The vascular flora of Marettimo Island (Egadi’s Archipelago, W Sicily): updating and phytogeographic analysis – Exactly 50 years after the work of FRANCINI & MESSERI (1956), the present contribution, deriving from both field collections and thorough checking of literature and herbarium available data, provides an up-to-date synthesis about the vascular flora of Marettimo, which at present consists of 492 infra-generic taxa (i. e. species, subspecies and varietes), pertaining to 291 genera and 92 families. Among these taxa, 28 are here reported for the first time, 37 are confirmed more or less one century after their first and unique record (GUSSONE, 1832-34; 1842-45; LOJACONO-POJERO, 1888-1…
Conservation of Ptilostemon greuteri (Asteraceae), an endemic climate relict from Sicily (Italy): state of knowledge after the discovery of a second population
Ptilostemon greuteri is one of the most endangered and poorly studied woody vascular plant species of the Mediterranean Basin, endemic to Sicily (Italy). Several peculiar traits confer to P. greuteri a character of uniqueness and an enigmatic attractiveness. In fact, at first glimpse the largest individuals of this species remind the most remarkable and peculiar cases of herbaceous genera (e.g., Echium, Senecio) turned woody on insular or insular-like mountain ecosystems. Following the discovery of a second population of this rare species, a project aiming at the study and conservation of P. greuteri was set up. We present here updated information on the distribution, conservation status, b…
L’importanza della biodiversità floristica nel vigneto siciliano
La scelta di sistemi colturali ecocompatibili implica il mantenimento di una flora equilibrata, espressione di un’ampia biodiversità sito-specifica. Focus sul progetto siciliano STRA.VI.NA. e in particolare sulla valutazione di applicare protocolli di gestione suolo con inerbimento con specie autoctone: si sta salvaguardando e testando una lista di leguminose isolane atte alla costituzione di cotici erbosi per vigneti resilienti.
A new subspecies of Epipactis microphylla (Orchidaceae; Epidendroideae) from Pantelleria Island (Sicily)
A new subspecies of Epipactis microphylla, proposed as subsp. cossyrensis is described and illustrated from Pantelleria, a volcanic island near Sicily. It differs from subsp. microphylla mainly in the shape and size of leaves and bracts and several floral traits. This taxon, previously attributed to E. pollinensis, a species currently treated as a synonym of E. purpurata, grows in the undergrowth of thermophilous woodlands occurring on the top of the island, where it numbers a few tens of individuals. The conservation status, phenology and taxonomic remarks are provided. Keys for the species belonging to the Epipactis atrorubens group (= subsect. Atrorubensae), including E. microphylla, are…
La flora vascolare della Riserva Naturale Orientata “Saline di Trapani e Paceco” (TP)
Relevant habitats neglected by the Directive 92/43 EEC: the contribution of Vegetation Science for their reappraisal in Sicily
Field investigation carried out by the Sicilian botanists in the last 20 years enabled them to identify eight habitat types of high biogeographic and conservation interest, neglected by the Directive 92/43, which deservead hocconservation measures. For each of these habitats, a syntaxonomic interpretation of the corresponding plant communities, their main ecological, physiognomic and syndynamic traits and a list of diagnostic species are provided. Their classification into the macrotypes listed in the Annex I of the Directive 92/43 and the respective correspondence in EUNIS habitat classification are proposed. The habitats here described integrate those already proposed by the Italian Botan…
A multifaceted field sampling approach for the management of extremely narrow endemic vascular plant species
Extremely narrow endemic plant species (ENEs) are generally connected with micro- refugia characterized by particular environmental conditions. In-depth knowledge of the ecological requirements of ENEs is fundamental to plan appropriate conservation measures. Using cross-cutting technology, this paper gives a multifaceted approach to collect on-site data on the ecology of ENEs, defines the protocols for a correct sampling design and describes the type of equipment, the time and expenditure needed. Our sampling approach is based on two orthogonal transects, long enough to extrapolate the whole ecological gradient across the area of occupancy of the target species. Microclimatic data are reco…
La flora vascolare
Supplementary material 1 from: Musarella CM, Mendoza-Fernández AJ, Mota JF, Alessandrini A, Bacchetta G, Brullo S, Caldarella O, Ciaschetti G, Conti F, Martino L, Falci A, Gianguzzi L, Guarino R, Manzi A, Minissale P, Montanari S, Pasta S, Peruzzi L, Podda l, Sciandrello S, Scuderi L, Troia A, Spampinato G (2018) Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy. PhytoKeys 103: 61-82. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.103.25690
Plant species data :
Supplementary material 2 from: Musarella CM, Mendoza-Fernández AJ, Mota JF, Alessandrini A, Bacchetta G, Brullo S, Caldarella O, Ciaschetti G, Conti F, Martino L, Falci A, Gianguzzi L, Guarino R, Manzi A, Minissale P, Montanari S, Pasta S, Peruzzi L, Podda l, Sciandrello S, Scuderi L, Troia A, Spampinato G (2018) Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy. PhytoKeys 103: 61-82. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.103.25690
ANOVA analysis by gypsophily level :