Effect of solid storage at 15 degrees C on the subsequent motility and fertility of rabbit semen.
We conducted two studies to improve preservation of rabbit semen. The objective of the first study was determine whether a glucose- and fructose-based extender with two different amounts of gelatin would solidify at 15 degrees C, and to evaluate the influence of gelatin supplementation on sperm motility parameters after storing semen up to 10 days at 15 degrees C. The fertility of rabbit semen diluted in the best gelatin-supplemented extender established in Study 1 and stored for up to 5 days was evaluated in the second study. In Study 1, semen was collected with an artificial vagina from 40 bucks. Each ejaculate was diluted to (80-100) x 10(6) spermatozoa/mL (1:3, semen/extender) at 37 deg…