Roberto Sabia
SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-band emissivity characterization of vineyards
The goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission over land is to infer surface soil moisture from multiangular L-band radiometric measurements. As the canopy affects the microwave emission of land, it is necessary to characterize different vegetation layers. This paper presents the Reference Pixel L-Band Experiment (REFLEX), carried out in June-July 2003 at the Vale/spl grave/ncia Anchor Station, Spain, to study the effects of grapevines on the soil emission and on the soil moisture retrieval. A wide range of soil moisture (SM), from saturated to completely dry soil, was measured with the Universitat Polite/spl grave/cnica de Catalunya's L-band Automatic Radiometer (LAURA). Concurre…
Esa's SMOS Mission – Supporting Agricultural Applications
The European Space Agency's (ESA) SMOS mission, in orbit since more than 8 years, carries a passive microwave interferometric radiometer measuring in L-Band and provides accurate global observations of emitted radiation originating from the Earth's surfaces since the atmosphere is almost transparent in this spectral range. In addition, over land the effect of vegetation on the measurements is smaller than for shorter wavelengths. The scientific objectives of the SMOS mission directly respond to the need for global observations of soil moisture and ocean salinity, two key variables used in predictive hydrological, oceanographic and atmospheric models. SMOS observations also provide informati…