Tero Harjupatana

X-ray tomographic method for measuring three-dimensional deformation and water content distribution in swelling clays

A non-invasive method for simultaneous measurement of the 3D displacement field and the water content distribution of a wetted solid material is developed. The method is based on comparison of X-ray tomographic images of a material sample in the reference state and in the wetted and deformed state. The deformation and water content analyses were successfully compared with numerical results for a cylindrical rubber test sample under axial compression, and with gravimetric results from axially wetted and sliced cylindrical bentonite samples, respectively. The methods were applied in a 4D study (three spatial dimensions and time) of wetting and deformation of purified swelling bentonite doped …

research product

X-ray tomographic method for measuring 3D deformation and liquid content in swelling materials

A non-invasive method for measuring the three-dimensional displacement field and liquid content distribution in a wetting and swelling material using X-ray tomographic imaging is introduced. The method is demonstrated here in monitoring the evolution of 3D deformation and water content distributions in cylindrical samples of swelling clay material wetted in a constant total volume. The measurements were carried out using a high-resolution microtomographic device (SkyScan 1172) and image voxel size 24 µm. The results obtained are repeatable and appear qualitatively correct and plausible. They are useful e.g. in validating models involving transport of water and the resulting deformation of s…

research product

Hydro-mechanical modelling of MX-80 bentonite: one dimensional study

As a first step towards modelling the coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) behaviour of bentonite, the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) has been implemented into Numerrin finite element code. This model has been fully coupled with the single phase flow equation for unsaturated soils which models liquid water transport. Suction obtained from solving the flow equation is used as an input for the BBM model and the volumetric deformations from the mechanical analysis are used to update the pore water pressure field. As an alternative, BBM is used alongside the Kröhn’s model which assumes that bentonite re-saturation is mainly driven by water vapour diffusion. The paper simulates one dimen…

research product

Time-resolved X-ray microtomographic measurement of water transport in wood-fibre reinforced composite material

Natural fibre composites are prone to absorb moisture from the environment which may lead to dimensional changes, mold growth, degradation of mechanical properties or other adverse effects. In this work we develop a method for direct non-intrusive measurement of local moisture content inside a material sample. The method is based on X-ray microtomography, digital image correlation and image analysis. As a first application of the method we study axial transport of water in a cylindrical polylactic acid/birch pulp composite material sample with one end exposed to water. Based on the results, the method seems to give plausible estimates of water content profiles inside the cylindrical sample.…

research product

Veden kulkeutumisen ja muodonmuutosten mittaaminen bentoniittinäytteissä röntgentomografiamenetelmällä

Tämän tutkielman tärkeimpänä tavoitteena oli kehittää menetelmä veden kulkeutumisen ja muodonmuutosten mittaamiseksi bentoniittinäytteissä röntgentomografialla. Menetelmällä voitaisiin mitata ja kerätä arvokasta kokeellista dataa ydinjätteen loppusijoituksessa käytettävän bentoniittipuskurin toimintaa kuvaavien mallien kehittämiseksi ja testaamiseksi. Röntgentomografialla näytteestä saadaan kolmiulotteinen tomografiakuva, missä kuvavokselin harmaasävyarvo riippuu materiaaleista, ja niiden tiheyksistä. Bentoniittinäytteen kastuessa veden osatiheyden kasvu kasvattaa harmaasävyarvoja, jolloin kastuneen ja kuivan näytteen välinen erotuskuva voidaan kalibroida vastaamaan kolmiulotteista kosteusp…

research product

A method for measuring wetting and swelling of bentonite using X-ray imaging

A non-invasive method based on X-ray imaging for measuring deformation and water transport in wetting and swelling bentonite samples is introduced. Sequential X-ray images taken of the samples were used to calculate the attenuation coefficient and deformation. These results, together with careful calibration, allowed finding the dry density and water content distributions and their temporal evolution in the wetting and swelling samples. A specific correction technique, based on regularly taking reference X-ray images of aluminum plates of varying thickness, was developed and used to take into account X-ray beam instabilities and thus to improve the accuracy of density analysis. Large deform…

research product