L. Cavallo
Adherence to growth hormone (GH) therapy in naïve to treatment GH-deficient children: data of the Italian Cohort from the Easypod Connect Observational Study (ECOS)
Background: With the use of non-objective measurement, adherence to growth hormone (GH) therapy has been reported suboptimal in a large proportion of patients, and poor adherence has been shown to affect short-term growth response in patients receiving GH treatment. Objective: The Easypod™ electronic device allows objective measurement of adherence. In this study, we report 3-year prospective adherence data of the Italian cohort of naïve GH deficient (GHD) children extrapolated from the Easypod Connect Observational Study (ECOS) database. Patients and methods: Seventy-three GHD children naïve to GH treatment were included in the analysis. 22 Italian centers participated in the study. Result…
Strategie di intervento per una mobilità sostenibile all'interno dei centri storici dall'orografia complessa
Il lavoro proposto parte dal principio che la pedestrian mobility può considerarsi un elemento importante per un nuovo modello di mobilità in città caratterizzate da un contesto urbano, come Modica, in cui è necessaria, per il problema orografico, l’integrazione con modi di trasporto non convenzionali. La valorizzazione del ruolo del trasporto pubblico, attraverso i sistemi ettometrici, permette a chiunque di accedere ad itinerari di particolare interesse storico o semplicemente di raggiungere la propria abitazione utilizzando un mezzo meccanico dal basso impatto ambientale, che rende agevoli percorsi fondamentalmente costituiti da scalinate e ripide rampe. Nel lavoro proposto viene altresì…
Platelet count does not predict bleeding in cirrhotic patients: Results from the PRO-LIVER Study
OBJECTIVES: Thrombocytopenia is a hallmark for patients with cirrhosis and it is perceived as a risk factor for bleeding events. However, the relationship between platelet count and bleeding is still unclear. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between platelet count and major or clinical relevant nonmajor bleedings during a follow-up of â¼4 years. RESULTS: A total of 280 cirrhotic patients with different degrees of liver disease (67% males; age 64±37 years; 47% ChildâPugh B and C) were followed up for a median of 1,129 (interquartile range: 800â1,498) days yielding 953.12 patient-year of observation. The annual rate of any significant bleeding was 5.45%/year (3.57%/year and 1.8…