Rosalaura Oliveri
Ricerca di Giardia e Cryptosporidium in piscine della città di Palermo: Risultati preliminari
Devepment and evaluation of a new, simple and cheap method to detect Cryptosporidium and Giardia from lettuce. Preliminary results
Operational efficiency of a pilot plant for wastewater reuse
Reuse of wastewaters for non-potable uses needs a higher than normal reliability in treatment plant operation and management, in order to ensure higher safety margins for public health and environmental protection. After a two-years research project on a pilot plant designed for agricoltural reuse, all control parameters used for the plant operation have been examined, in order to obtain useful observations on efficiency of each of the treatment units, for best overall performance. It was concluded that this type of package plant was able to produce a high quality effluent under various conditions, providing a good confidence on the reliability of the system. Reuse of wastewaters for non-po…