Giovanni Denaro
Preliminary Analysis on Correlations between Spatial Distribution of Chlorophyll-a and Experimental Data of Biomass in the Strait of Sicily
This study, using both remotely sensed and measured in situ data, is directed to the analysis of the correlations between the chlorophyll-a concentration and the biomass of sardines and anchovies acoustically evaluated in the Strait of Sicily. This work, inter alia, shows the usefulness of remote observation of seas in determining possible relationships between fish stocks and some oceanographic parameters (Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a, Zooplankton).
La modellizzazione matematica è diventata ormai uno strumento essenziale nell’avanzamento delle conoscenze in qualsiasi campo della scienza, dall’econometria alla psicologia, dalla chimica all’epidemiologia, come vissuto di recente nella pandemia da SARS-coV-2. Anche quelle che erano una volta discipline “soft” come la biomedicina o l’ecologia possono ora usufruire di tecniche di rappresentazione ed esplicazione dei processi estremamente utili alla comprensione delle dinamiche in gioco. Questa evoluzione, dovuta in non piccola parte all’attuale disponibilità di abbondante potenza di calcolo elettronico a costi ridotti, non è però opera ed appannaggio soltanto della nostra generazione. Lo st…
Analysis of the vertical distribution in a model of phytoplankton dynamics
Phytoplankton often faces the dilemma of living in contrasting gradients of two essential resources: the light that comes from above and nutrients that are often supplied from below. In poorly mixed water columns, algae can be heterogeneously distributed, with thin layers of biomass found on the surface, in depth, or on the sediment surface. Here, we show that these patterns can result from intraspecific competition between light and nutrients. First, we present numerical solutions of a reaction-diffusion-taxis model for phytoplankton, nutrients and light. We argue that motile phytoplankton can form a thin layer under poorly mixed conditions. The numerical solution of this model indicates t…