I Bartholini

Deception and abuse: Manifold Instances of Proxemic Violence against Sub-Saharan and Eastern-European Women-Immigrants In Sicily

Over the past few decades and up until 2017, Sicily has hosted increasing numbers of African fugitives (ANCI et al., 2017) as well as migrants from Eastern Europe, especially after the entry of Romania into the European Union. The aim of the research was to analyse some of the role positions found in gender dynamics among migrants, throwing light on possible processes by which mechanisms of submission to and normalisation of gender based violence seem to have been internalised by these victims of proximity violence, emphasising the viscous links existing between vulnerability, resistance and resilience. Within this markedly multicultural context in Sicily, the researchers carried out a two-…

research product

L'identità come ri-co-noscimento

L'articolo delinea alcuni dei nessi che definiscono l'identità come l'esito di un riconoscimento interdialogico e interpersonale. Assume il concetto di rappresentazione del Sé per fornire alcune chiavi di lettura di interpretazione.

research product

I codici della sedimentazione linguistica. Sesso e simbolo nell'analisi dell discorso

Il saggio evidenzia l'importanza dei codici linguistici che vengono rilevati i nell'analisi del contenuto riferibile agli strumenti qualitativi della ricerca e del ciclo metodologico della ricerca

research product

The PROVIDE Traning Courses for proximity violence' professionals

The chapter describes a prototype of training course for "Expert operators in proximity violence" focusing on asylum-seeking migrant women victims of violence and implemented in three European States. In particular it defines: the rationale of training by modules in adapting individual abilities of professionals of migrazion field to the professional goals to be achieved (1), the methodological implementation of the PROVIDE courses (2) and the significance of the experiential seminars conducted (3).

research product

The Provide Training Course. Contents, Methodology, Evaluation

This volume describes the ideational effort required to design and implement a training-course model for "Experts in proximity violence”. Proximity violence concerns multiple forms of gender-based violence which conceal, in turn, more subtle, intimate and viscous forms of dependence. The course was based on modules and availed itself of a "mixed" methodology, where theoretical lectures were interwoven with experiential workshops. During the first six months of 2019, over 800 Italian, French and Spanish operators engaged on the migratory front, attended the courses. The model presented in the first two chapters of the present volume was accompanied and corroborated by a set of ex-ante and ex…

research product