Claudia Miceli
Recupero e valorizzazione della lenticchia "Villalba"
Semi di flora infestante nella granella di frumento duro in Sicilia
Prove preliminari per la valorizzazione della borragine (Borrago officinalis L.) come prodotto minimamente processato
La borragine (Borago officinalis L.) è una pianta erbacea annuale tomentosa della famiglia Boraginaceae originaria dell'Europa e del Nord Africa, ampiamente diffusa in molti paesi mediterranei. Questa pianta è coltivata in tutto il mondo ed è usata per scopi medicinali nonché per la preparazione di bevande e per essere consumata cruda o cotta. La coltivazione della borragine è principalmente orientata alla produzione di seme, mentre la coltura da ortaggio è molto limitata e spesso si ricorre alla raccolta delle piante spontanee per soddisfare le richieste di mercato. Al fine di valorizzare il potenziale orticolo di questa specie, la presente ricerca ha lo scopo di valutare la possibilità di…
Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione di Borago officinalis L. come specie da orto
Piano per la produzione di Proteine Vegetali in Sicilia: recupero e valorizzazione della lenticchia di Ustica
Durum wheat root and foot rot complex in Sicily
Focus sulle sementi di frumento duro in Sicilia
Concia, l'importanza di questa scelta per un prodotto di qualità
Plant Growth-Promoting Activities of Bacteria Isolated from an Anthropogenic Soil Located in Agrigento Province
Bacteria producers of plant growth-promoting (PGP) substances are responsible for the enhancement of plant development through several mechanisms. The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the PGP traits of 63 bacterial strains that were isolated from an anthropogenic soil, and obtained by modification of vertisols in the Sicily region (Italy) seven years after creation. The microorganisms were tested for the following PGP characteristics: indole acetic acid (IAA), NH3, HCN and siderophore production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity (ACC) and phosphate solubilization. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that Bacillus tequilensis SI 319, Brevib…
Effetti di Brassica carinata sul "Mal del piede" dei cereali
Concia: aspetti fitosanitari delle sementi di frumento duro e ruolo della ricerca
Progetto "Innovazione della Cerealicoltura in Sicilia"; un sistema informatizzato a supporto delle scelte colturali delle aziende cerealicole siciliane
La produzione di sementi di frumento duro in Sicilia
Preliminary results of biocontrol agent against Fusarium oxysporum wilt of lentil landrace “Ustica”
Progetto Energie Rinnovabili da Colture Agricole (E.Ri.C.A.): un'opportunità per le aziende agricole di diversificare e consolidare fonti di reddito
Characterization of a bean landrace from Sicily: the ‘fagiolo Badda di Polizzi'
Inside the project “Piano per la Produzione di Proteine Vegetali in Sicilia” investigations were carried out to characterize a bean population cultivated in the Parco delle Madonie area, the ‘Fagiolo Badda di Polizzi’. The producers’ interest for this landrace and the appreciation of the consumers could justify the start up of a valorization program through a product certification. Researches on the morpho-physiological aspects and on the nutritional profile were made in trials conducted between 2005 and 2007. All the Badda bean accessions showed an indeterminate plant growth habit, white flowers and a very delayed flowering time. In particular, a certain variability was seen and described …
La produzione di sementi di frumento duro in Sicilia
Effect of thermal treatments on vitality and physical characteristics of bean, chickpea and lentil
Thermal disinfestation treatments are relatively easy to apply, leave no chemical residues and may have some fungicidal activity. However, temperature and time combinations required to kill insect pests may meet or exceed those that reduce the viability of seeds, nutrients content, shelf life or technological characteristics. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thermal treatments (different temperature and time combinations) on physical and biological characteristics of bean, chickpea and lentil. Seed samples of common bean, chickpea and lentil were treated at low (12, 24 or 48 h at −18 °C) or high (30, 60 or 90 min at 60 °C) temperature. Seed germination, mean germinatio…
Progetto “Piano per la produzione di Proteine Vegetali in Sicilia”: recupero e valorizzazione del fagiolo badda di Polizzi - risultati preliminari
Effect of Bacterial Inoculum and Fertigation Management on Nursery and Field Production of Lettuce Plants
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria have been applied to different vegetable crops but there is still no information on the effect of bacterial biostimulant application under variable nutritional level on lettuce seedlings and their performance after transplanting in the field. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a bacterial biostimulant to enhance growth and quality of lettuce seedlings fertigated with increasing nutrient rates and to assess the efficacy of these treatments on lettuce head production. Lettuce seedlings were inoculated with 1.5 g L&minus
L'istituzione del registro varietale di Brassica carinata
New Strategies for the control of root and foot rot of durum wheat
Andamento della produzione sementiera in Sicilia
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Quality of Swiss Chard at Harvest and during Storage as Minimally Processed Produce
The effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization (0–50–100–150–200 kg/ha), minimal processing and cold storage (14 days at 4C) on yield and quality of fresh-cut Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L.) were evaluated. Increasing the level of nitrogen fertilization over 100 kg N/ha, plants had a higher fresh weight, reduced their dry matter content and resulted taller and leafier. Total and marketable yield increased linearly with increasing nitrogen level. Both nitrate and ascorbic acid content at harvest increased with increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected the yield of minimal processing. No effect on appearance and quality loss during cold sto…
Valutazione bioagronomica e stabilità produttiva in genotipi di veccia comune (Vicia sativa L.).
La Veccia (Vicia sativa L.) rappresenta per le regioni caldo-aride del bacino del Mediterraneo una specie di notevole interesse sia per la produzione di biomassa utile per l’alimentazione dei ruminanti, sia per la produzione di granella e sia per il posto che occupa all’interno degli avvicendamenti colturali asciutti. In Italia nonostante la produzione di seme certificato è abbastanza diffusa in quasi tutte le regioni del centro-sud, annualmente una quantità significativa di granella per uso zootecnico viene importata da Paesi europei ed extra-europei e poi utilizzata anche come seme non certificato. Per questo motivo si è ritenuto opportuno avviare uno studio del comportamento bio-agronomi…
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Quality of Swiss Chard at Harvest and during Storage as Minimally Processed Produce
The effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization (0-50-100-150-200 kg ha-1), minimal processing and cold storage (14 days at 4°C) on yield and quality of fresh-cut Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L.) were evaluated. Increasing the level of nitrogen fertilization over 100 kg N ha-1, plants had a higher fresh weight, reduced their dry matter content and resulted taller and leafier. Total and marketable yield increased linearly as increasing nitrogen level. Both nitrate and ascorbic acid content at harvest increased as increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected the yield of minimal processing. No effect on appearance and quality loss during cold st…
Suitability of Borago officinalis for Minimal Processing as Fresh-Cut Produce
Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a wild vegetable appreciated as a folk medicine and for culinary preparations. The introduction of borage as a specialized cultivation would allow for the diversification of vegetable crops and would widen the offerings of raw and minimally processed leafy vegetables. Thus, the aim of the research was to evaluate the quality and shelf-life of fresh-cut borage stored at different temperatures. Borage plants were grown during the autumn&ndash
Caratteristiche e prospettive della produzione di sementi di frumento duro
Aspetti igienico-sanitari delle produzioni cerealicole siciliane
Effect of Agronomic Practices on Yield and Quality of Borage at Harvest and During Storage as Minimally-Processed Produce
Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a hairy pubescent herb known throughout the world for its folk medicinal uses, as well as for many culinary uses. There is still little information on the cultivation needs of this species, especially for its use as vegetable crop and as fresh-cut produce. Hence, the aim of the research was to study the effects of agronomic practices on yield and quality of borage and on the storability as minimally-processed product. Two experiments were carried out in two consecutive years in order to evaluate the effect of plant density and plastic mulching on yield and quality of two borage accessions at harvest and during storage as minimally-processed produce for 14 d…
Computerized image analysis applied to inspection of vetch seeds for varietal identification
Vicia sativa L. is an annual cleaning crop mainly used in rotation with durum wheat, both for seed production and for forage, either as a pure crop or as an undercrop, and is well adapted to the hot-dry climate and poor soils of Southern of Italy. Generally, cultivar identification is done on the basis of distinctive traits, such as shape, size, colour of the testa and ornamentations, identified during the variety registration, following official protocols. For some vetch varieties seed identification by specialized technicians is possible without difficulty, while for other varieties it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to achieve undoubted identification. Therefore, it is importa…
Root rot pathogens on Calamondin grafted on Volkameriana lemon, in Sicily
Caratterizzazione di ecotipi siciliani di borragine.
La borragine (Borago officinalis L.) è una pianta erbacea annuale originaria di Europa, Nord Africa e Asia Minore. Viene coltivata in tutto il mondo ed è usata come pianta ornamentale da giardino, per scopi medicinali o come ortaggio per la preparazione di insalate e bevande. L'importanza come pianta medicinale è dovuta all'alto contenuto di acido gamma linolenico nell'olio estratto dai semi ed alle proprietà diuretiche, emollienti, espettoranti, ecc. delle foglie. I piccioli, le foglie e gli steli sono molto apprezzati, anche, come ortaggi sin da tempi remoti in molte delle zone di maggiore diffusione in natura, tanto che la borragine comincia ad essere coltivata a fini commerciali oltre c…