Anna Ruocco
Activity of mannose-binding lectin in centenarians
Summary We analyzed MBL2 gene variants in two cohorts of centenarians, octo-nonagenarians and nonagenarians, and in the general population, one from Sardinia Island (Italy), recruited in the frame of the AKea study, and another from Campania (southern Italy), to search for haplotypes related to longevity. We also assessed in vitro the effect of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) on various human cells at different stage of senescence. The frequency of high and null activity haplotypes was significantly lower, and the frequency of intermediate activity haplotype significantly higher in centenarians and in subjects between 80 and 99 years from both the cohorts as compared each to the general popula…
Activity of mannose-binding lectin in centenarians
We analyzed MBL2 gene variants in two cohorts of centenarians, octo-nonagenarians and nonagenarians, and in the general population, one from Sardinia Island (Italy), recruited in the frame of the AKea study, and another from Campania (southern Italy), to search for haplotypes related to longevity. We also assessed in vitro the effect of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) on various human cells at different stage of senescence. The frequency of high and null activity haplotypes was significantly lower, and the frequency of intermediate activity haplotype significantly higher in centenarians and in subjects between 80 and 99 years from both the cohorts as compared each to the general population fro…