C. Lodato
Metrics for evaluating modularity and extensibility in HMAS systems
Nowadays, software systems are more and more frequently designed in order to realize complex dynamical behavior for solving complicated problems. Holonic Multi Agent Systems (HMAS) is spreading for the development of such systems since they allow to manage system requirements in terms of behaviors and organizational patterns. Traditional software engineering metrics are not useful for measuring HMAS ar- chitectures since they do not consider different nested levels of organizational structures. We want to contribute to this issue proposing some metrics for evaluating modularity and extensibility of HMAS architectures.
Ontology and goal model in designing BDI multi-agent systems
Nowadays several methodological approaches exist, each of them tightly tied up with the implementation platform supporting it. In this paper we propose an intermediate step toward the definition of a methodological approach for supporting the JACAMO framework. This paper resumes a previous work, focused on modeling BDI organizations, and we now address the requirements analysis phase. In particular, we propose the use of an ontological model and a goal model for representing requirements and the domain formalization respectively. The two portions of design process are connected by a heuristic process that allows to extract goals from the ontological model. The resulting models are also used…
Gimt: A tool for ontology and goal modeling in BDI multi-agent design
Designing and developing BDI multi-agent systems would be facilitated by rising up the level of abstraction to use and by a methodological approach for managing it. To this aim it is common the integration of goal oriented analysis techniques with the design and implementation phases. In this fashion, our experience is that the use of an ontology in the early stages of the process is a great support for subsequent phases: goal modeling, agent design and implementation. However, we are aware that building and maintaining an ontology has to be supported by appropriate tools. This paper proposes GIMT (Goal Identification and Modeling Tool) as a further step towards the creation of a complete m…
An agent-based system for maritime search and rescue operations
Maritime search and rescue operations are critical missions involving personnel, boats, helicopter, aircrafts in a struggle against time often worsened by adversary sea and weather conditions. In such a context, telecommunication and in- formation systems may play a crucial role sometimes concurring to successfully accomplish the mission. In this paper we present an application able to localize the vessel who has launched a rescue request and to plan the most effective path for rescue assets. The application has been realised as a distributed and open multi-agent system deployed on rescue vehicles as well as on a land maritime stations of the Italian Coast Guard. The system is going to be t…