Christian Jeudy

Phenotyping feeds plant models

prod ?EASPEBAPGEAPSIGESTADINRA; Phenotyping feeds plant models. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling Visualization and Application

research product

Impact of Bacterial Siderophores on Iron Status and Ionome in Pea

National audience; Including more grain legumes in cropping systems is important for the development of agroecological practices and the diversification of protein sources for human and animal consumption. Grain legume yield and quality is impacted by abiotic stresses resulting from fluctuating availabilities in essential nutrients such as iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC). Promoting plant iron nutrition could mitigate IDC that currently impedes legume cultivation in calcareous soils, and increase the iron content of legume seeds and its bioavailability. There is growing evidence that plant microbiota contribute to plant iron nutrition and might account for variations in the sensitivity of pe…

research product

In the context of sustainable agriculture how, with plant high throughput phenotyping, can we address the various challenges?

International audience; In a context of climate change and soil and water resource degradation, it becomes increasingly important to reduce the need for high nutrient, water, or pesticides inputs, leading to more sustainable agricultural practices. In this context, our aim is to select the best performing crops in various deleterious abiotic environments, having both a higher yield and a better quality, a better environmental « efficiency ». Because plants interact with numerous and diverse microorganisms, especially in the soil volume surrounding roots, called rhizosphere, plant-microorganism relationships in the rhizosphere is also of great agronomical and ecological importance. To addres…

research product

Going back to roots: combining phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology

International audience

research product

Application du phénotypage haut débit à l'étude des interactions plante x microorganismes en conditions de stress

National audience

research product

Nouvelles méthodes de phénotypage

National audience

research product

Phenotyping in Agroecology

International audience

research product

Study of the adaptative response of N2 fixation to a root pruning in peas using environmental and genetic variations

International audience; Pea is the first grain legume grown in Europe for its seeds rich in protein. As a legume, it has the ability to fix atmospheric N2 by the symbiosis with Rhyzobium bacteria. Still, N nutrition can be a limiting factor of pea yield, due to a high sensitivity of symbiotic N2 fixation to biotic stress like Aphanomyces that leads to root rots. The consequences of root damage on nodules and their N2 fixing activity and the possible adaptive response of plants still remain unknown. Root pruning could be an innovative experimental way to study these effects, resulting both in nodules and N2 deprivation. Still, researches described the adaptive responses of plants to a local …

research product

Nodulated root imaging within the high throughput plant phenotyping platform (PPHD, INRA, Dijon)

Présentation orale/ Communication avec actes

research product

Des plateformes et des omes: comment alimenter les modèles

National audience

research product

Symbiotic N2 fixation activity in relation to C economy of Pisum sativum L. as a function of plant phenology

The relationships between symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) activity and C fluxes were investigated in pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Baccara) using simultaneous 13 C and 15 N labelling. Analysis of the dynamics of labelled CO 2 efflux from the nodulated roots allowed the different components associated with SNF activity to be calculated, together with root and nodule synthetic and maintenance processes. The carbon costs for the synthesis of roots and nodules were similar and decreased with time. Carbon lost by turnover, associated with maintenance processes, decreased with time for nodules while it increased in the roots. Nodule turnover remained higher than root turnover until flowering…

research product

What is needed, what does phenotyping deliver?

prod ?EASPEGEAPSIGESTADINRAPPHD; What is needed, what does phenotyping deliver?. Séminaire Hefei University

research product

High-throughput phenotyping of key legumes (and others) root traits

International audience

research product

High throughput phenotyping : associated tools and methods to assess determinisms of plant and microbiome interactions

research product

Determinisms of plant and microbiome interactions : a multidisciplinary approach involving high-throughput phenotyping

International audience

research product

Looking back to roots: phenotyping facilities and applications. Web broadcast conference

research product

Phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology to characterize plant root system architecture and plant-plant and plant-microorganisms interactions

International audience; Agriculture is facing the challenges to improve performance and crop adaptation to climate change towards reducing negative impacts of associated abiotic stresses on crop yield and contributing to its mitigation. Climate change comprises more frequent and ample abiotic stresses that plants have to cope with, such as drought, the most important limitation to yield stability and plant harvest product quality which often lead to hydromineral nutritional stress. The capacity of plants to extract nutrients and water from a given volume of soil depends on root system architecture and on intrinsic factors such as the production of root exudates and the efficiency for resour…

research product

Data & Agriculture. What's going on ?

research product

Pea Efficiency of Post-drought Recovery Relies on the Strategy to Fine-Tune Nitrogen Nutrition

International audience; As drought is increasingly frequent in the context of climate change it is a major constraint for crop growth and yield. The ability of plants to maintain their yield in response to drought depends not only on their ability to tolerate drought, but also on their capacity to subsequently recover. Post-stress recovery can indeed be decisive for drought resilience and yield stability. Pea (Pisum sativum), as a legume, has the capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen through its symbiotic interaction with soil bacteria within root nodules. Biological nitrogen fixation is highly sensitive to drought which can impact plant nitrogen nutrition and growth. Our study aimed at dyna…

research product

Phénotypage racinaire haut débit et ses applications à l'étude des interactions plante x microorganisme

Prod 2019-83f BAP EA SPE GEAPSI SERRES GESTAD INRA; National audience; De nombreuses innovations ont été développées afin de caractériser le fonctionnement des plantes modèles ou cultivées. Ces innovations comprennent de nouvelles méthodes et équipements dédiés à l’analyse des plantes et la gestion des données associées. Ils permettent d’analyser dans des conditions climatiques variées la morphologie, la phénologie et le fonctionnement physiologique des plantes résultant de l’expression de leurs gènes, ce que l’on appelle le « phénotype » d’une plante. Ceci est réalisé à « haut débit » par le biais de la caractérisation non destructive, dynamique et automatisée des phénotypes de milliers de…

research product

High throughput root phenotyping, besides shoot phenotyping

International audience

research product

Phenotyping: Case study of legumes plants

International audience; The activities of the GEAPSI group, belonging to the large research unit Agroecology, is devoted to the genetic improvement of legumes important for European agriculture, and focuses on the cultivated species pea (Pisum sativum) and the field bean (Vicia faba). These studies are supported by basic research on a model legume, Medicago truncatula, used for taking advantage of the extensive genomics information available. Some examples will first illustrate how the combination of analytical, non-destructive phenotypical measurements and modelling can improve our understanding of plant functioning, taking as case studies legumes plants. The presentation will then describ…

research product

Automated phenotyping and phenotype data analysis of plant, fruit and root development in tomato (Micro-Tom cv.)

International audience

research product

Assessing plant and microorganisms interactions using high throughput phenotyping

International audience

research product

Les défis méthodologiques du phénotypage Haut Débit - Expectations of plant high throughput phenotyping and associated tools and methods

research product

Challenges and opportunities for innovative research on legume nutrition and stress adaptation: an ecophysiologist’s and phenotyping point of view

International audience; Agroecology needs to reconcile agronomy and ecology, preserving and valorizing plant and microbe biodiversity. Legumes have merits for agroecology considering their ecological services. They constitute a protein source and their production relocation give merits for feed and food. However, they are still under represented due to both biotic and abiotic constraints. Research need to increase their profitability through higher and more stable yield and protein content, and new uses in a fluctuating environment [2]. Mechanisms which control nutrient use efficiency have to be highlighted i) considering nutrient acquisition, storage, remobilization [3] ii) under various c…

research product

Architecture et croissance du système racinaire du maïs

National audience

research product

« PPHD » : A Platform For High Throughput Phenotyping of Plant/Plant and Plant/Microorganisms Interactions

International audience

research product

Le système racinaire nodulé du pois : un rôle pivot pour sa stabilité sous contraintes hydriques fluctuantes

National audience; Dans le contexte du changement climatique, des épisodes de stress hydrique plus fréquents sont attendus, entraînant des modifications de nutrition, de croissance des plantes, et donc des pertes de rendements. Chez les plantes légumineuses, telles que le pois protéagineux, un stress hydrique du sol diminue drastiquement l’acquisition de l’azote (N) par la fixation symbiotique du N2 atmosphérique, conduisant à une carence azotée de la plante et pouvant diminuer le rendement de 30 à 60% suivant les variétés. Il apparait donc nécessaire de sélectionner des génotypes de pois mieux adaptés à la sécheresse. Dans cette étude, les réponses architecturales, physiologiques et transc…

research product

A genetic and molecular approach to identify transcription factors controlling maize root adaptive response to water deficit

Water stress is recognized as the most severe abiotic stress for agricultural productivity. Root traits play a key role in tolerance to water stress but have largely been neglected in selection schemes. In order to identify the maize genetic bases of the root adaptive responses to water deficit (WD), we used a MAGIC mapping population of 400 lines based on the intercrossing of 16 genotypes. The fine phenotyping of the different genotypes was performed under contrasting water supply on the French root phenotyping platform (4PMI). On the 16 founder genotypes, in addition of phenotyping, we sampled different root tissues daily over 7 days after irrigation arrest and performed RNAseq. On the ba…

research product

ILS3 highlighted nice results and challenging opportunities for innovative research on grain legume. Legume Perspective

research product

From simple visualization to detailed understanding of plant and microbes interactions, using ‘pheno’ methods and models

International audience

research product

Outils et méthodes pour le phénotypage racinaire haut débit

National audience

research product

High-throughput phenotyping : characterizing physiological and genetic determinants of key traits of the root system

International audience

research product

Rhizodeposition as a functional trait in legumes. Study of trade-off for plant productivity and resilience

Rhizodeposition is the release of organic carbon (C) to the soil that connects the biotic and abiotic components of the C cycle. It can promote C storage to soil but also mediates plant-microbe interactions (Jones et al., 2009). These interactions are complexes as rhizodeposition will influence the composition and functioning of microbial populations which in return are able to increase the availability of nutrients in soil and provide protection against pathogens (Sasse et al., 2018). Despite their importance for current agriculture challenges, plant-soil microbes interactions remain poorly understood due to the methodological challenge they represent and the complexity of actors and proce…

research product

S-34 and N-15 labelling to model S and N flux in plants and determine the different components of N and S use efficiency

International audience; In order to highlight our understanding on ecosystems functioning and resource sharing/competition, either in artificial environment or agrosystems, according to changes in the climatic conditions, it is necessary to measure accurately element fluxes within plants. Stable isotopes allow tracking safely and accurately on a short time frame the behavior of elements in plants. After a short review devoted to isotopic studies of elemental flux within plants, we explain how a direct multiple labelling study might be conducted in a plant, so as to measure over short time nitrogen and sulfur acquisition, and assimilates arising from a labelled source.

research product

New developments towards high throughput phenotyping studies devoted to innovative plant breeding tools

research product

Study of the adaptative response of N2 fixation to local N deprivation in peas using environmental and genetic variations

National audience

research product