V. M. Lyuty
Long-term variability of the Be/X-ray binary A 0535+26 -- I. Optical and UV spectroscopy
The results of a 7-yr optical and UV spectroscopic study of the high-mass X-ray binary A 0535+26 are presented. It was found that throughout the period of the observations the line profile of Hα showed considerable variability. A correlation between the equivalent width of Hα and both V-band magnitude and (B−V) colour excess was observed, albeit with considerable scatter present in the data set. A giant X-ray flare in early 1994 was accompanied by a fading in optical and infrared photometric bands, and a reduction in the equivalent width of Hα. When the star was observed in 1994 September, it was found to have developed a double-peaked Hα profile, and further observations saw the V/R peak r…
Photometric observations of the radio bright B[e]/X-ray binary CI Cam
We present multiwavelength (optical, IR, radio) observations of CI Cam, the optical counterpart to the transient X-ray source XTE J0421+560. Pre-outburst quiescent observations reveal the presence of a dusty envelope around the system. Pronounced short term variability is observed at all wavebands from U-K, but no indication of prior flaring of a similar magnitude to the 1998 April outburst is found in these data.\ud \ud Data obtained during the 1998 April X-ray flare reveal pronounced optical-radio flaring. The optical flux was observed to quickly return to quiescent levels, while the radio flare was of much longer duration. The optical component is likely to result from a combination of f…