Synthesis and solid state structures of macromolecular cylindrical brushes with varying side chain length
Abstract Cylindrical brushes with a macromolecular backbone and well-defined side chains of different length (4≤ P n sc ≤38) were synthesized by polymerization of macromonomers. The effect of side chain length on the intermolecular order has been investigated by means of X-ray scattering on the melt-extruded samples. The increase of the side chain molar mass results in an increase of the intermolecular distance d according to d ∼( M n sc ) 0.476 . The contour length of the cylindrical brush polymers per main chain monomer unit, l m , was determined to slightly vary with side chain molar mass M n sc according to l m ∼( M n sc ) 0.059 . The resulting values are much less than the maximum exte…