Jessica Walkenhorst
Tailored pump-probe transient spectroscopy with time-dependent density-functional theory: controlling absorption spectra
Recent advances in laser technology allow us to follow electronic motion at its natural time-scale with ultra-fast time resolution, leading the way towards attosecond physics experiments of extreme precision. In this work, we assess the use of tailored pumps in order to enhance (or reduce) some given features of the probe absorption (for example, absorption in the visible range of otherwise transparent samples). This type of manipulation of the system response could be helpful for its full characterization, since it would allow us to visualize transitions that are dark when using unshaped pulses. In order to investigate these possibilities, we perform first a theoretical analysis of the non…
Simulating pump-probe photo-electron and absorption spectroscopy on the attosecond time-scale with time-dependent density-functional theory
Molecular absorption and photoelectron spectra can be efficiently predicted with real-time time-dependent density functional theory. We show herein how these techniques can be easily extended to study time-resolved pump-probe experiments, in which a system response (absorption or electron emission) to a probe pulse is measured in an excited state. This simulation tool helps with the interpretation of fast-evolving attosecond time-resolved spectroscopic experiments, in which electronic motion must be followed at its natural timescale. We show how the extra degrees of freedom (pump-pulse duration, intensity, frequency, and time delay), which are absent in a conventional steady-state experimen…