Hanna Koivula

Detection of local specular gloss and surface roughness from black prints

A combination of optical and tomographic imaging techniques for inspection of local surface roughness and specular gloss of black prints and coated paper are introduced. A diffractive optical-element-based glossmeter (DOG) and a low-coherence interferometer (LCI) were used to obtain local information about the print in terms of topographic and gloss maps. X-ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) was used to obtain 3D local structural information of the coated paper. Gloss and topographic maps were used to determine statistical gloss and roughness parameters. These parameters were useful when analysing the surface condition of prints and coated paper. We found an orientation-dependent gloss slop…

research product

Avoimen toimintakulttuurin palveluiden itsearviointityökalu

Toimintakulttuurin avoimen linjauksen tueksi on kehitetty palveluiden itsearviointityökalu, joka huomioi kaikkien aiempien avoimen tieteen kansallisten linjausten suositukset. Työkalun tarkoituksena on auttaa tutkimusorganisaatioita palveluiden itsearvioinnissa, kehittämisessä ja saataville asettamisessa. A self-evaluation tool for services has been developed to support the Policy for Open Scholarship, which takes into account the recommendations of all previous national policies on open science. The purpose of the tool is to assist research organisations in the self-evaluation and development of services and making them available. The organisation may produce the services alone, in coopera…

research product