Andrea Savona

Evidence for trophic structure variability in Mediterranean coastal lagoons.

research product

Preliminary results on the distribution of benthic foraminifera in the lagoon like coastal basin Stagnone di Marsala (Trapani, Italy)

research product

Effetti di input ornitogenici sullo stato trofico di un sistema costiero Mediterraneo (laghetti di Marinello, Sicilia, Italia)

research product

Analysis of the trophic role of primary producers in Posidonia oceanica ecosystems along the Sicilian coasts (Italy)

research product

Valutazione degli effetti ambientali della maricoltura basata sull’analisi degli isotopi stabili di azoto

research product

The use of very high resolution images for studying Posidonia oceanica reefs

Posidonia oceanica is an endemic Mediterranean seagrass that forms wide and dense meadows from the surface up to about 40 m depth. This species can develop a biogenic structure called matte, a typical terraced formation built up by itself, consisting of intertwined rhizomes, roots and sediment, which may allow shoots to reach the sea surface forming reefs (récif barrière), considered natural monuments. Posidonia oceanica reefs are particularly exposed to the ongoing increase in temperature and in storm frequency and intensity due to climate change, with negative repercussions on their conservation. Much more attention must be paid to the implementation of monitoring tools able to detect ear…

research product

Variazioni spaziali delle concentrazioni di metalli pesanti nei sedimenti di un’area portuale della Sicilia orientale

research product

Comparative analyses of chemical, trophic and microbiological variables in sediments from an Eastern Sicilian port: differences in spatial accumulation

research product

Analysis of the trophic structure in zones with different levels of protection within the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Ustica” based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes

research product

Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes as a tool for assessing the environmental impact of aquaculture: a case study from the western Mediterranean

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios ( 13C/ 12 C and 15N/14 N) of in situ dominant primary producers and consumers were investigated to assess the impact on a natural ecosystem of a land-based fish farm along the south-western coast of Sicily (Italy). The putatively impacted area close to the farm along outfall was compared with other locations at increasing distances from the outfall. Carbon and mainly nitrogen stable isotopes revealed evidence of widespread aquaculture waste in the study site: benthic organisms collected in the impacted area showed more enriched δ 15N signatures than those at greater distances from the outfall, suggesting a large contribution of aquaculture waste to …

research product

Contributo allo studio di un’area di nursery costiera attraverso la tecnica degli isotopi stabili di carbonio e azoto

research product

Dinamica del detrito fogliare fanerogamico lungo un gradiente di confinamento in un’area costiera a caratteristiche lagunari

research product

Influence of seabird guano on the contamination level of a Sicilian coastal area (Marinello ponds).

research product

Approccio isotopico per lo studio dell’impatto di attività di acquacoltura in ambiente marino costiero

research product

Valutazione dei livelli di alcuni metalli pesanti in una catena del detrito ricostruita attraverso l’analisi degli isotopi stabili di carbonio ed azoto

research product

The fate of terrestrial and riverine materials in a Mediterranean seagrass bed

research product

The origin and fate of organic matter as a tool to assess anthropogenic disturbance in coastal environments

research product

Studio dell’impatto di un’attività di maricoltura attraverso l’analisi della Materia Organica Sedimentaria

research product

Trace metal transfer in the food webs of a semi-enclosed coastal ecosystem (Stagnone di Marsala, Sicily, Italy)

research product

Nitrogen stable isotopes as tracers of biodeposition from a tuna farm in the Western Mediterranean

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Studio dell’impatto di un’attività di acquicoltura sui sedimenti della costa sud-occidentale della Sicilia attraverso l’analisi della composizione biochimica della materia organica sedimentaria

research product

Struttura e distribuzione della comunità macrozoobentonica dello Stagnone di Marsala (Sicilia Nord-Occidentale)

research product

Effetti ambientali della stabulazione del tonno rosso (Thunnus thynnu, L. 1758): analisi del materiale sedimentato

research product

Definizione dello stato trofico nelle Saline del trapanese attraverso lo studio della materia organica sedimentaria e particellata

research product

Influence of seabird guano on the trophic status and contamination levels of a Sicilian transitional area

research product

Effects of aquaculture activities on seagrass ecosystems: evidence from stable isotopes

research product

Trace element and PAH bioaccumulation in caged mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from an industrial area (Augusta Bay, SE Sicily)

research product

Evidence for the cascade effect in the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Ustica”

research product

Macrobenthic communities impoverishment in response to seabird input in a Mediterranean transitional area

research product

Evidence for trophic structure varibility in Mediterranean coastal lagoons

research product

Dispersal and accumulation of mariculture waste in the surrounding environment: the importance of site selection

research product

Effetti ambientali della stabulazione del tonno rosso (Thunnus thynnus L.): analisi della materia organica sedimentaria

research product

Assessing the environmental impact of aquaculture: a new approach based on stable isotope analysis

research product

Relazioni trofiche dell’epifauna colonizzatrice del detrito fogliare di Posidonia oceanica

research product