Giovanni Palermo Patera
Incidentally discovered thyroid nodules: incidence, and greyscale and colour Doppler pattern in an adult population screened by real-time compound spatial sonography
Purpose. Our aim was to assess the incidence and ultrasound features of thyroid nodules in an adult population screened by means of high-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) and to evaluate the contribution of real-time spatial compound sonography (CS) in terms of image quality. Materials and methods. A total of 704 consecutive patients (400 women, 304 men) without thyroid disease underwent HRUS and CS examination of the thyroid gland. Number, size, location, echotexture and colour Doppler pattern of detected nodules were assessed. Two radiologists also assessed image quality of the two techniques. Results. Seven hundred and eleven thyroid nodules (size range 0.18-4.1 cm; mean: 1.1 cm) were de…
Riscontro incidentale di noduli tiroidei: incidenza, aspetti B-mode e color Doppler in una popolazione adulta studiata con "real-time compound sonography"
Ernie della parete addominale ed ernie interne: ruolo della tcmd nella gestione clinica del paziente.
Observational study on a group of people exposed to chemical agents in a research laboratory
The law D.Lgs 25/2002 provides the lowest qualifications for the protection of workers exposed to chemical risks. Our research aim at investigating acute and chronic pathologies related to the exposure to chemical pollutants used. With this purpose we have examined 42 subjects assigned to the laboratory of the Department of Chemistry of Palermo, exposed to chemical substances. We have also examined a control group of 10 people non exposed, belonging to the same Department. Our study has shown that, previous a correct information and training of workers, the right use of techniques, working methods and the use of personal protection devices reduce chemical risks.
Ruolo delle ricostruzioni ottenute con TC multidetettore (TCMD) a 40 strati nella valutazione pre-operatoria delle neoplasie cefalopancreatiche
Superior Canal Dehiscence: Multidetector-Row CT Evaluation
L’ecografia dinamica nella tendinopatia inserzionale epicondilare
Hippocampal and Amygdalar Volumes Changes in Drug Addicts: A Preliminary Study
Oral comunication for American Society of Neuroradiology 45th Annual Meeting. Chicago, June 9-14 2007
Pigmented villonodular synovitis and pigmented villonodular bursitis: Imaging findings and review of the literature
Learning objectives Background Imaging findings OR Procedure details Conclusion Personal Information References
Intraindividual comparison of hepatic venous phase and delayed phase for the detection of washout contrast-enhancement pattern of HCC on MDCT of the liver.
Budd-Chiari Syndrome: spectrum of imaging findings.
Sinovite villonodulare-pigmentosa (PVNS) e borsite villonodulare-pigmentosa (PVNB): imaging e review della letteratura
OBIETTIVI DIDATTICI: Rivedere le basi patologiche della “Sinovite Villonodulare Pigmentosa” (PVNS) e della “Borsite Villonodulare Pigmentosa” (PVNB). Descriverne le caratteristiche alla radiografia convenzionale (RX), all’ecografia (US) ed alla risonanza magnetica (RM). INTRODUZIONE: La PVNS è un raro disordine proliferativo della sinovia articolare che si manifesta in forma diffusa o focale; può insorgere anche nelle borse peri-articolari (PVNB). Entrambe le forme interessano principalmente i giovani adulti e si manifestano con sintomi aspecifici che mimano altre patologie, anche di natura traumatica, ritardando spesso la diagnosi corretta. DESCRIZIONE: Il quadro RX può essere normale o ri…
Asbestos: decontamination works and use of individual protection devices. Some remarks on the right use of IPD, considering the cost-benefit relation
Ruolo delle ricostruzioni 3D Volume Rendering con TC multidetettore (TCMD) a 40 strati nella valutazione pre-operatoria delle neoplasie renali
Osservational study on a group of people exposed to chemical agents in a research laboratory
Neoplasia renale valutata tramite TCms e ricostruzioni 3D: presentazione di un caso.
Some precautionary remarks about people exposed to chemical risks in dry- cleaners
Imaging con risonanza magnetica delle neuropatie da intrappolamento della spalla
Obiettivi didattici: Descrivere e caratteristiche alla risonanza magnetica (RM) delle neuropatie da intrappolamento comuni della spalla: - sindrome di Parsonage-Turner - sindrome del quadrilatero (neuropatia ascellare) - sindrome del nervo soprascapolare Introduzione: Le neuropatie da intrappolamento sono caratterizzate da alterazione della funzionalità dei nervi secondaria alla compressione da parte di forze meccaniche o dinamiche. La compressione può essere acuta, cronica o intermittente. Non di rado neuropatie compressive sono dovute a lesioni occupanti spazio, come tumori, cisti, processi infiammatori, o condizioni post-traumatiche. Descrizione: L'aspetto RM della sindrome di Parsonage-…
Avoiding tunnel collisions between fibular collateral ligament and ACL posterolateral bundle reconstruction
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk of tunnel collisions of the fibular collateral ligament (FCL) and posterolateral bundle anterior cruciate ligament (PLB-ACL) tunnels during a combined FCL and double-dundle (DB) ACL reconstruction. METHODS: Thirty-six 4th-generation synthetic femurs (Sawbones, Pacific Research Laboratories, Vashon, WA) were utilized, and two different femur sizes were used. A FCL tunnel and a PLB-ACL tunnel were reamed on each femur. The tunnels of synthetic specimens that did not have a collision were filled with an epoxy resin augmented with BaSO(4) and radiographic evaluation, and Multidetector CT exams of the specimens were performed. RESULTS: …
MR imaging of entrapment neuropathies of the shoulder
Learning objectives Background Imaging findings OR Procedure details Conclusion Personal Information References