F. D'alia
Accomplishing the requirements within the new decree 159/2016: Comparative study of eddy currents induced in a human phantom moving near different MRI scanners
Purpose. In order to provide adequate risk-reducing procedures for MRI personnel (radiographers, anaesthetists, physicists, nurses, technicians, cleaners, etc.), different studies have been developed in the past years. Further to those, in the present work risk assessment concerned with currents induced by non-uniform static magnetic fields in MRI operators performing different tasks in prox imity of the scanner has been investigated across a set of different 1.5 T MRI scanners. Methods. The first step has been to empirically map the magnetic field around the different scanners and to select a proper adult human body as a heterogeneous volume conductor model. Then, upon observing the way ta…
Moving inside a MRI room: A risk assessment analysis
Moving across the stray magnetic field generated by a medical magnetic resonance imaging system may induce electric stimulation near or even beyond the threshold of physiological significance and adequate risk-reducing procedures for the involved personnel may be re quired. With this in mind, a set of different scanners has been analysed. Results suggest that a 1.5 T magnet may be expected in general to comply with the requirements of the currently in force European Electromagnetic Fields Directive for ensuring the health and safety of workers.