L Cardia
ntroduction: Authors have carried out a survey to evaluate the appropriateness of the caesarean deliveries performed in a hospital of Sicily (Italy) during 2013. The choices of these surgeries have been compared with italian and sicilian guidelines. Materials: EpiInfo 7.1.4 software (CDC - Atlanta - USA) was used to perform the statistical data analysis (chi-square test). Results: We analyzed a total of 818 medical records related to 50.61% of spontaneous deliveries, :06% induced labor, and 46.33% of cesarean deliveries. Medical records showed that in 32.7% the caesarean section were justified by emergency conditions, whereas in 15.89% the choice was not quite justified according to guideli…
A Rare Case of Water Intoxication in Unusual Chiropratic Prescription: A Medico-Legal Analysis Due to Alleged Malpractice.
Introduction. Water intoxication is a well-recognized cause of symptomatic hyponatremia, whose often fatal consequences are described in a wide variety of conditions such as psychiatric disorders, metabolic dysfunctions, child abuse, drug abuse and several medical procedures. The case. We here report a rare case of a 67-year-old woman with severe acute hyponatremia due to an excessive voluntary water intake – 14 litres in two days – following a chiropractic prescription. The patient developed sudden severe symptoms, including water retention, sensory alteration, altered mental status and tonic-clonic seizures. She was thus admitted to the Intensive Care Unit with a diagnosis of coma due to …
Cardiomiopatia aritmogena del ventricolo destro in giovane uomo deceduto in incidente stradale
Gli autori segnalano un caso di propria osservazione riguardante il decesso di giovane uomo, sportivo, con anamnesi familiare e patologica negativa per patologie cardiache, coinvolto in incidente stradale autonomo; la cui causa del decesso veniva inizialmente attribuita (sulla scorta della sola ispezione cadaverica effettuata dal medico del 118 intervenuto sul luogo) ai gravi effetti contusivi cerebrali connessi al trauma cranico. Il successivo esame autoptico, disposto dall’A.G., completato dagli esami di laboratorio, consentiva di individuare la sussistenza di una ampia sostituzione fibro-adiposa del miocardio del ventricolo destro, comprendete la porzione epicardica e gli strati intermed…