Daniel Almenar-cubells
Gender and anthropometrics of patients undergoing cisplatin-containing chemotherapy as determinants of acute emesis over repeat courses
Objective. To characterize the anthropometric and pharmacotherapeutic variables related to acute emesis over repeat courses of cisplatin-containing regimens (≥50 mg/m survival analysis.2) by means of survival analysis. Methods. A prospective, cross-sectional non-controlled study was started to analyse acute vomiting in patients treated in a general hospital. The patients received an intravenous combination of drugs based on metoclopramide (two 3 mg/kg doses), diphenhydramine (20 mg) and dexamethasone (20 mg) as first choice antiemetic treatment. An intravenous regimen based on ondansetron (8 mg) and dexamethasone (20 mg) was given as an alternative regimen. Therapeutic failure was defined …
Multidisciplinary system for detecting medication errors in antineoplastic chemotherapy.
Objective. To analyze medication errors (MEs) in a multidisciplinary system with a Computerized Pharmacotherapy Process (CPP) in cancer patients. Design. A longitudinal, prospective 2-year (January 2003 —to December 2004) cohort study was made in adult patients administered antineoplastic treatment in Services of Oncology and Haematology. MEs were identified by double cross-validation of each stage of the pharmacotherapeutic process (prescription, preparation, dispensing, administration, and follow-up) carried out by the multidisciplinary team (physician, pharmacist, nurse) with CPP assistance. Variables. Number of MEs per 1000 patient-days, percentage according to the stage of the pharmac…
Cisplatin preparation error; patient management and morbidity
Introduction. Antineoplastic drug therapy errors represent a high iatrogenic potential due to antineoplastic drugs narrow therapeutic ranges and the complexity of chemotherapy regimens that may increase the risk of morbidity and mortality for oncology patients.Setting. We report a 57-year-old man with head and neck cancer who mistakenly received 180 mg/ m2of cisplatin overdose despite the safety measures and validations carried out during preparation. The patient developed moderate nausea and vomiting, acute renal failure, hearing difficulty (tinnitus), and severe myelodepression.Patient management. Prophylactic and symptomatic treatments were applied in order to prevent and correct toxicit…