The onset of metamorphosis in Tenebrio molitor larvae (Insecta, Coleoptera) under grouped, isolated and starved conditions
Abstract The post-embryonic development of the beetle Tenebrio molitor presents a variable number of larval instars. Several parameters (instar length, time of apolysis and cuticle deposition) were compared during the larval-larval and larval-pupal cycles of mealworms over 50 mg, reared in grouped or isolated conditions. In grouped conditions comparable to mass breeding, larval-larval and larval-pupal apolyses were found to occur at the same time, but instar duration was longer in the case of prepupae. However, isolation was found to accelerate larval-pupal (but not larval-larval) apolyses and to reduce the number of larval instars, whereas starvation inhibited larval-larval (but not larval…