G L'abate
In Chap. 6, dealing with pedodiversity of Italy, Edoardo A. C. Costantini, Roberto Barbetti, Maria Fantappie` , Giovanni L’Abate, Romina Lorenzetti, and Simona Magini illustrate the distribution of soil classes, mainly by means of maps. Soil regions on hills are the most lithologically and climatically variable environments, and host the greatest soil variability and endemisms. A vast majority of the WRB reference soil groups (25 out of 32), as well as soil orders of Soil Taxonomy (10 out of 12) are represented in the main Italian soil typological units (STUs), but the clear skewness and lognormal distribution of STUs demonstrate the utmost endemic nature of many Italian soils. In particula…
Aim of this work was to test the 2010 version of the WRB soil classification for compilating a map of the soil systems of Italy at 1:500,000 scale. The source of data was the national geodatabase storing information on 1,414 Soil Typological Units (STUs). Though, basically, we followed WRB criteria to prioritize soil qualifiers, however, it was necessary to work out an original methodology in the map legend representation to reproduce the high variability inside each delineation meanwhile avoiding any loss of information. Each map unit may represent a combination of three codominant STUs at the most. Dominant STUs were assessed summing up the occurrence of STUs in the Land Components (LCs) …
Comparing Different approaches - Data mining, Geostatistic, and Deterministic pedology - to assess the Frequency of WRB reference soil groups in the Italian Soil Regions
Estimating frequency of soil classes in map unit is always affected by some degree of uncertainty, especially at small scales, with a larger generalization. The aim of this study was to compare different possible approaches - data mining, geostatistic, deterministic pedology - to assess the frequency of WRB Reference Soil Groups (RSG) in the major Italian soil regions. In the soil map of Italy (Costantini et al., 2012), a list of the first five RSG was reported in each major 10 soil regions. The soil map was produced using the national soil geodatabase, which stored 22,015 analyzed and classified pedons, 1,413 soil typological unit (STU) and a set of auxiliary variables (lithology, land-use…
Variazioni di carbonio organico nei suoli italiani dal 1979 al 2008
I suoli contengono circa tre volte la quantità di carbonio disponibile a livello mondiale nella vegetazione e circa il doppio di quella presente in atmosfera. Tuttavia il carbonio organico del suolo (SOC) si è ridotto in molte aree, mentre è stato rilevato un aumento della CO2 atmosferica. Ricerche recenti hanno dimostrato che sono stati i cambiamenti di uso e gestione del suolo a provocare le maggiori perdite di SOC nel recente passato, piuttosto che le più alte temperature e i cambiamenti delle precipitazioni conseguenti il cambiamento climatico. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è quello di stimare le variazioni del contenuto di carbonio organico dei suoli (carbon stock, CS) in Italia…