Matjaz Mazaj
Confined crystallization of a HKUST-1 metal–organic framework within mesostructured silica with enhanced structural resistance towards water
A HKUST-1 metal–organic framework was crystallized in the NH2-modified mesostructured silica FDU-12 in order to improve its structural stability upon water exposure. In-depth structural characterization studies of the designed composite confirmed successful formation of the MOF phase within the ordered spherical mesopores of the silica matrix. In spite of the confinement within the cavities, MOF exhibits full accessibility for the adsorbed gas molecules. In contrast to the bulk HKUST-1, which undergoes slow phase transition in a humid environment, the structural integrity of the HKUST-1 in the humid-protective matrix remains unchanged even after immersion and stirring in water at elevated t…
Structure effects induced by high mechanical compaction of STAM-17-OEt MOF powders
Financial support by PJ-RIC-FFABR_2017 and the EPSRC grant EPSRC industrial CASE award (grant EP/N50936X/1) are acknowledged. The research programme Nanoporous materials (P1-0021) financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) is acknowledged as well. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are promising materials for many potential applications, spacing from gas storage to catalysis. However, the powder form of which they are generally made is not suitable, mainly because of the low packing density. Powder compaction is therefore necessary, but also challenging because of their typical mechanical fragility. Indeed, generally, they undergo irreversibly damages upon densification processe…