F. Masini
Quaternary eustatic fluctuations and biochronology of vertebrate-bearing deposits correlated with marine terraces in Sicily
Bio-chronology of pleistocene vertebrate faunas of sicily and correlation of vertebrate bearing deposits with marine deposits
The rich Pleistocene fossil record of Sicily allowed the construction of a fairly detailed bio-chronological frame that is dated by correlation of vertebrate bearing deposits with marine deposits by geochemical and radiometric dating too. Actually, an important category of deposits is representative of transitional and neritic environments, frequently associated with a lagoon or swamp. Limnic deposits related to small freshwater basins also occur, often in relation to coastal and fully marine deposits. Numerous relationships have been found between the vertebrate bearing deposits and marine deposits, which can be correlated with the δ18O isotopic record and the main palaeogeographic events …
Osgillazioni eustatiche, biocronologia dei depositi continentali quaternari e neotettonica nella Sicilia nord-occidentale (penisola di San Vito lo Capo - Trapani)
Vengono presentati i risultati di uno studio interdisciplinare condotto nella Penisola di San Vito lo Capo, Sicilia nord - occidentale. In questa area i terreni quaternari sono rappresentati da depositi marini e di spiaggia distribuiti a varie quote e da depositi continentali contenenti resti di vertebrati. Questi terreni si rinvengono all'interno di solchi e grotte marine, dove sono state riconosciute anche fasce a fori di litodomi, o costituiscono corpi sedimentari che giacciono sopra superfici di abrasione marina. Le associazioni a mammiferi presenti in tali terreni appartengono al complesso faunistico a Elephas falconeri del primo Pleistocene medio, al complesso a Elephas mnaidriensis d…
New species of Deinogalerix (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla) from the late Miocene of Scontrone (Abruzzo, central Italy)
Deinogalerix is a typical component of the late Miocene insular fauna of Gargano (south-eastern Italy). Remains of this taxon had also been found over the last 20 years at the early Tortonian site of Scontrone (Abruzzo, central Italy), but they had never been described in detail. Two new species are introduced. One of them, D. samniticus sp. nov., is larger sized and better documented, and received a formal description. The other entity is clearly distinct from D. samniticus sp. nov., but it is merely represented by a single mandible. It is therefore presented here as a different, but undetermined species, Deinogalerix sp. Comparative analyses show that the new species have exclusive dental…
Pedostratigraphic notes on the middle - late pleistocene of capo san vito peninsula (NW sicily)
The available data about Quaternary pedostratigraphic of North-Western Sicily are mainly obtained when fossil vertebrate assemblages are studied. These are often found in caves or in other morphological "traps", where the products of the erosion of soils developed outside these features are redeposited. Soils that may have originated these deposits were found on the marine terraces that are typical of the coast areas of Sicily. Two sequences, called "K22" and "Isolidda", that crop out in the North-Western side of the San Vito lo Capo peninsula -to the West of Palermo -are examined in this work. The first one is a karstic cave infilling, situated near the eastern rim of the old falaise that …
Works for the construction of thermal pools at Poggetti Vecchi, near Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy) exposed an accumulation of fossil bones, largely belonging to the straight-tusked elephant Palaeoloxodon antiquus, mixed up with stone and wooden tools. The site is radiometrically dated to the late Middle Pleistocene, and the artefacts were thus created by early Neanderthals. Palaeobiological and taphonomic analyses of the fauna remains are part of a more general, multiproxy study of the site that provides new information on MIS 7-6 transition, as well as on human-animal interactions.
Una valutazione tassonomica quantitativa preliminare della documentazione di vertebrati del Quaternario della Sicilia.
A preliminary taxonomic evaluation of the Quaternary vertebrate fossil record of Sicily. A compilation of a dataset concerning the Quaternary vertebrates of Sicily, based on information from literature sources, is presented. A quantitative methodology for compilation and analysis of the data is described. The adopted numerical treatment of data is particularly effective in synthesizing and analyzing the large amount of information contained in the data set. The paper gives a synthetic picture of the consistence of the Sicilian fossil record during the considered time interval. The compilation fully confirms that the fossil record of Sicily is an important source of information on the divers…