Kawtar Najib

La gestion des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant du Souss. De l'analyse vers la modélisation d'un système fragile et complexe

International audience

research product

The socio-spatial segregation seen by numbers and residents. The case of Besançon

research product

Architecture on big scale

National audience

research product

Le loyer, indicateur de ségrégation socio-spatiale

National audience; La ségrégation socio-spatiale est une notion complexe que l'on utilise à tort et à travers dans les médias et débats politiques et culturels. La confusion d'usages courants de cette notion explique la difficulté d'appréhender ce phénomène dynamique. Celui-ci, faisant appel à de multiples disciplines, se définit principalement par rapport à l'habitat et au logement et suit les règles de l'économie de marché. Cette communication traite à la fois de l'étude des différents groupes sociaux et de l'influence des loyers sur le marquage social des quartiers de Besançon. Dans cette contribution, nous avons décidé d'appréhender la ségrégation socio-spatiale avec l'appui de données …

research product

Transformations socio-spatiales de Besançon : analyse exploratoire multi-dates

This article proposes an analysis of socio-spatial configurations of various districts in the city of Besançon over the intercensal period from 1990 to 1999. This study is based on a multi-date exploratory statistical analysis trying to clarify the sustainable or unsustainable structures in the urban system. Census data for 1990 and 1999 are used to generate twenty or so indicators which characterize the enumeration districts of Besançon (these statistical areas are known as IRIS in French census). According to a factor analysis, we can observe the trajectories of the IRIS between the two chosen dates, which depend on the considered indicators. This analysis highlights the sociospatial orga…

research product

Socio-spatial dynamics and ways of living of urban spaces : comparison of Besançon, Mulhouse and Strasbourg

The spatial distribution of urban functions and populations is not random, this distribution canhighlight inequalities which call into question our democratic societies based on the principle ofequality. This principle is based on the relationship between the “social” and the “spatial” whichmainly consist in investigating social disparities in urban areas and what is perceived as an injustice byindividuals. To understand these socio-spatial dynamics, we focus our research on the urban history ofBesançon, Mulhouse and Strasbourg as well as the relations between the inhabitants and theirresidential environment. Using large geo-localized databases from INSEE, we study the spatialdistribution o…

research product