Florentin Perianu
Absolute Dating of the Systematic Excavation from 2019 of the Archaeological Site: Tărtăria-Gura Luncii (Alba County, Romania)
Abstract The systematic research started in 2010 at Tărtăria continue to this day. To clarify the problem of the absolute chronology of the site we have researched on a checkered row (Carriage 25-32) from the SI surface (2019) and carried out sampling for this operation. On this occasion we obtained the evidence published in this article.
The Central Area of a“ Square” from the Time of Turdaș Culture Turdaș-Luncă. 2011 Campaign. Sector C The Architectural Horizon before the great Migration from Turdaș
Abstract The preventive excavation from 2011, at Turdaș-Luncă, led to the discovery of over 2000 archaeological features. Among them is feature 959. Through this article we want to continue the series of publications related to the preventive excavation of 2011 and highlight certain aspects related to a possible organization of the communities that lived here.