Piedad Sahuquillo
Hacia una cultura de convivencia. La mediación como herramienta socioeducativa
ResumenEn estos ultimos tiempos, la mediacion se ha presentado como una respuesta pedagogica idonea para formar en la ciudadania democratica. Ambitos como la escuela, la familia o la sociedad multicultural se erigen en escenarios donde la mediacion constituye un instrumento educativo que permite no solo afrontar de forma democratica los conflictos surgidos, naturales en toda relacion humana, sino tambien ir configurando una cultura de la convivencia. Caminar hacia la definitiva construccion del sentido pedagogico de la mediacion es el objetivo central de este articulo, adentrandonos en el estudio comparado de las afinidades y divergencias de algunos de los escenarios donde puede ser relevan…
The Development of Linguistic Competences for Employability: A Training Project for Teachers
Abstract Employability is a new concept that has just appeared in the Spanish educational system. Its rising importance is due to European Union educational policies which aim to provide young people with training that enables them to take part successfully in the present and future working world. This paper argues for the need to develop employability from the very start of formal education, and within this, we highlight the importance of developing linguistic competence among pre-school and primary pupils as a key element for favouring employability. To be able to do so, the teaching staff must be trained using quality education to enable them to work effectively on this competence. In th…
La competencia Aprender a Aprender en el marco de las competencias transversales clave de los Objetivos del Desarollo Sostenible en las Universidades.
[EN] The communication offers the possibilities of educational innovation that are raised from the research carried out to deepen the development of the competence learning to learn in university contexts. The results of the discussion groups are analyzed through the prism of the transversal key competences that are proposed to help achieve the Objectives of Sustainable Development through teaching. It ends with a few brief conclusions.