Giordano Beretta
Search_strategy_-_Supplemental_Material_1_final – Supplemental material for Detection of RAS mutations in circulating tumor DNA: a new weapon in an old war against colorectal cancer. A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis
Supplemental material, Search_strategy_-_Supplemental_Material_1_final for Detection of RAS mutations in circulating tumor DNA: a new weapon in an old war against colorectal cancer. A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis by Antonio Galvano, Simona Taverna, Giuseppe Badalamenti, Lorena Incorvaia, Marta Castiglia, Nadia Barraco, Francesco Passiglia, Fabio Fulfaro, Giordano Beretta, Giovanni Duro, Bruno Vincenzi, Pierosandro Tagliaferri, Viviana Bazan and Antonio Russo in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology
The challenge of the Molecular Tumor Board empowerment in clinical oncology practice: A Position Paper on behalf of the AIOM- SIAPEC/IAP-SIBioC-SIC-SIF-SIGU-SIRM Italian Scientific Societies
The development of innovative technologies and the advances in the genetics and genomics, have offered new opportunities for personalized treatment in oncology. Although the selection of the patient based on the molecular characteristics of the neoplasm has the potential to revolutionize the therapeutic scenario of oncology, this approach is extremely challenging. The access, homogeneity, and economic sustainability of the required genomic tests should be warranted in the clinical practice, as well as the specific scientific and clinical expertise for the choice of medical therapies. All these elements make essential the collaboration of different specialists within the Molecular Tumor Boar…