Combined medical and mechanical recanalization in acute myocardial infarction
A technique of combined medical and mechanical recanalization was employed in 96 patients with acute transmural myocardial infarction. The mean time between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital was 170 +/- 65 min (X +/- SD). After 10 +/- 16 min, 250,000 U streptokinase was administered intravenously for 20 min. Intracoronary thrombolysis was commenced within 38 +/- 14 min. First coronary angiograms demonstrated reperfusion, an open vessel in 25/96 patients (26%). In 15/71 patients (21%) reperfusion occurred during thrombolysis therapy, before mechanical recanalization could be performed. Recanalization was achieved mechanically in 37/71 patients (52%) with occluded coronary vessels. …