Contrasting Patterns in Chironomid (Chironomidae) Communities of Shallow and Deep Boreal Lakes Since the 1960s
Chironomids have been widely used as indicators of trophic conditions of lakes due to their species-specific environmental requirements. In order to understand resilience and deterioration of aquatic ecosystems due to increases and/or decreases in external loading, recent chironomid community and water chemistry data of seven southern Finnish lakes with varying anthropogenic pressures and bathymetric properties were compared with similar data from the 1960s. Altogether 64 taxa were found. At present, the most numerous taxa are Procladius spp., Chironomus f.l. plumosus, Chironomus f.l. salinarius, Stictochironomus f.l. psammophilus, Benthalia spp., Tanytarsus spp. and Cladotanytarsus. In fou…