Minna Nykopp


Coordinating collaborative writing in an online environment

This study investigated how university students (n = 28) coordinated their collaborative online writing and what kinds of coordination profiles were found among the students. Further, the study examined the quality of the essays produced by groups of students varying in their combinations of coordination profiles. Students’ written comments on their writing processes (n = 583) were divided into episodes focusing on coordination. Eight different categories of collaborative activities during online collaboration were found. The students’ joint essays (n = 9) were evaluated as high, moderate and low according to the number of topics, key concepts, and integration of Internet sources in the ess…

research product

Opiskelijoiden verkko-oppimisympäristössä antamat vertaispalautteet tarkastelussa : mitä opittavaa tieteellisen kirjoittamisen ohjaamiselle?

Jyväskylän yliopiston avoimessa yliopistossa on useamman vuoden ajan kehitetty vertaisarviointia ja sen ohjausta osana verkko-opetusta. Olemme jatkaneet vertaispalautetoiminnan kehittämistä tutkimalla, millaista opiskelijoiden kirjoittama vertaispalaute sisällöllisesti on. Kirjoituksessa kuvaamme avoimen yliopiston opiskelijoiden antamien kirjallisten vertaispalautteiden sisältöä ja palautteen muotoa kahdella aineopintotasoisella verkkokurssilla, joissa harjoitellaan tieteellistä kirjoittamista. Pohdimme myös, miten opettajat voisivat ohjata opiskelijoita monipuoliseen palautteenantoon. Luokittelimme opiskelijoiden palautteet evaluaatioihin, muutosehdotuksiin, kysymyksiin ja kommentteihin. …

research product

Using a blended approach to enrich MOOCs on Finnish education

Blended education embraces various combinations of face-to-face and online teaching. It has become a normal part of higher education degree programmes. Since the late 1990s, the Open University of the University of Jyväskylä (JYUOpen) has been offering online and blended education for its rapidly growing number of students. For many years now, Finnish education has ranked high in PISA research. Furthermore, the University of Jyväskylä has been successful in global rankings, especially in the field of education (Shanghai Ranking: 36, QS World University Rankings: 51–100 and Times Higher Education: 67). In order to present the success factors of the Finnish education system, we offered our fi…

research product

University Students´ Knowledge Construction during Face to Face Collaborative Writing

Collaborative writing combines social processes of writing with cognitive knowledge construction processes, and thus may lead to deeper learning than individual working. This study examined students’ knowledge construction during face-to-face collaborative writing. University students (n = 21) prepared themselves for the collaborative task by reading about developmental theories in a course book and writing individual summaries of them. In small groups, the students discussed each others’ summaries and wrote a joint essay on one of the theories. The data comprise the students’ individual summaries (n = 21), the students’ discussions during the essay writing (8177 speech turns), and the stud…

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